
They just can't accept that this could possibly be the reality women live in. And I don't understand why.

You don't get to fucking take someone's agency away who's oppressed by telling them they can't be angry. Nope.

Hear hear! *Claps*

Yes ma'am! Now let's move to the other thread and keep fighting with the same people! Awesome Tuesday night is awesome.

That sounds about as entertaining as watching a turd flush! Kind of like having to explain to an army of butthurt dudes that somebody getting picked on as a child and not getting laid as a teenager doesn't validate the murder of a bunch of innocent people in any way.

You are absolutely right. Shame I didn't realize it sooner! Clearly Elliot Rodger is this person's hero on some level.

Right, and civil rights is about getting what you're owed as well! Those pesky blacks. Those Muslims! Those gays. Sigh. When will people stop feeling owed, amirite?

"This girl was clearly a big enough dick to him that she managed to stick out amongst the large amount of people who made his life miserable."

Thanks. I'm finding I'm a little too emotionally connected to the topic to keep making important points and to have a coherent conversation about this, and it's silly to spend time on the internet arguing with people and being pissed off so I probably need to just shut the laptop and go enjoy the beautiful day. and my

I'm asking you to answer a question you won't answer. You're playing semantics and using your butt-hurtedness to avoid answering the question. Are you trying to say that because he didn't write about it, there HAD to have existed some bullying or mistreatment from women that would reinforce his decision to go gun a

I see your point, but I'm talking about something really specific, which is his post-pubescent cycle of glom onto a girl > not even talk to her > sometimes find her on Facebook > always find out she has a BF > hate life and everyone else. That's not the same as being snubbed. You generally have to interact with people

You didn't answer my question.

I guess I don't understand what it is you're trying to imply. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it feels like you're trying to say that girls were probably really mean to him/bullied him/did actively snub him, he just didn't record it in his manifesto-whatever. Is that what you're trying to say?

So are you actually trying to say that because he didn't write every little thing down girls were actively awful and cruel to him at every turn? And he wrote about every other crap he took but wouldn't bother mentioning active, conscious abuse from women? Sit the fuck down.

I did read it again and I'm not 100% sure I can cosign whatever "bullying" he thinks he underwent, considering the guy takes people kissing in front of him or talking about having happy lives as a personal affront. Also we're not talking about his perception, we're talking about the way the media is portraying the

He actually does name a few names in that thing, girls he had classes with and friends of his who are no doubt on a mad dash to take down their social media profiles. Sad.

Yeah, that's the thing. You are totally right and on point. Having a date wouldn't solve his problem. The first thing my boyfriend said when I told him about this news story was, "Jesus Christ, the guy driving a BMW wasn't banking enough money to hire a prostitute?" I don't think that would actually fix him. He didn't

Let's take bets. I'mma go with ~12 hours.

Damn, son. Why you gotta be mean?

This is what bothers me about Jezebel's headline (which I understand is probably a headline by extension, but whatevs) - I took a look at this dude's long, rambling manifesto and none of these girls really actively snubbed him. As in, turned him down, told him no. The vast majority of them had no idea he even had