THE FUCK? Oh my god. I'm so sorry that happened to you.
THE FUCK? Oh my god. I'm so sorry that happened to you.
I just need to drop in and say "flappy old ass" and "old sack of balls" are making my day so much brighter.
Oh Christ, that toupee' ...
You're not the only one friend. Buy a box of cookies and commiserate with the daddy issues club instead of crying. I'll be right there with ya. <3
Oh FFS. For me, this is like someone said, "So ladies, if you buy red shoes and don't get hives on the regular, raise a glass to maroon colored leather!"
EXCELLENT JOB with this terrifying pic.
I just died.
Each time this happens, let's start drawing comics of said Republican caught in the tentacles of the Great One.
Well, shit! That One Time I Got Raped - if I could just go back in a time machine and marry my rapist the night before, TOTIGR might never have happened! Oh, Time Machine, whisk me back!
... and then you came back to comment some more.
Thisthisthisthisthis. I loved the whole season but I wanted to find just one person who's seen the season so far and who I could commiserate with. The whole Larry/Polly thing was just so icky to me. It's so clear to me that Larry is still madly in love with Piper and just can't deal with the emotional toll of her…
The only pants I own are the wrong kinds of pants so I am cosigning all that. Thank you.
WWowwww. LOLLLL. If you feel too ugly or inept to go outside and play basketball that is a sad life dude. Take a lesson from this lady in a bikini. FUCK WHAT PEOPLE THINK. Go play basketball. Seriously, people give far less of shit than you think. You're only really projecting your own insecurities here and you just…
You're right, talking shit on Ed MacMahon is actually really fucked up of me (bows head in shame)
Not surprise you're on tinder/single, bro.
The difference is, the overweight hairy men aren't conditioned to feel like they have to give a fuck the same way the 300 lb woman in a bikini is. It's different and you know it is, you're being obtuse. Women: Not Ur Personal Porn Army
Says the guy who probably looks like Ed MacMahon's asshole in a swimsuit. Why should I have to see *that*?
Oh, Kat. I just ... want to say something insightful but all I can muster is FUCK EVERYTHING.
I'm mad as hell and sooo upset too. I've been barely approachable by anyone all week, I'm so pissed off. But I'm grateful for this opportunity - to you, for writing this, for the ladies on here who have shaped me, made me think and helped me grow into a better person. For women all over the world taking their time to…