
Power Pocket Princess sounds like a vibrator.

Uh, you should probably try reading because the outrage is everywhere. Nice try, though.

I might not have a teaching certificate but at least I won't rape any students.

If it's any consolation to your regrets about the line-ups, it sounds like you indeed probably wouldn't have been able to point them out accurately. The science studying police investigations shows that even people who haven't been drugged are really bad at eye witness identifications. So, I'm just saying don't blame

White outrage is fucking annoying as shit. It's not our fucking place to be telling anyone what they should be outraged by. It is our job to know our privilege, to stfu and listen to POC. And to use our privilege to change shit.

What is your point, exactly? Because one black woman a century (decades?) ago had huge tits and an even bigger ass and was considered some sort of freak, this means these well endowed mummies are racist? I am confuse. Plz 'splain.

Why is it always white authors who are always looking to find hidden racism in media and declare how terrible it is? Sometimes it feels like white authors are trying to explain racism to the Black community and how offended people should be. Can you imagine how annoying it would be if men were always trying to tell

Yeah, I'm a black woman and I can't even work up any outrage over this.

I didn't tell anyone about the time in college, although my friend who was with me at the frat party always looked at me differently after she saw the guy lead me into his room, drunk off my ass. Fuck her - she might have helped me instead of judging me for something I didn't have control over. Back in those days

I feel your pain and share the experience but only one guy, broke into my house and held me hostage for hours. Must have been a full moon because the other rape of the night didn't survive. I feel blessed. My daughter was 3 and she is 41 now. I still have night terrors. PTSD? I suppose.....

Yeah, you know, the number just feels too high. Because George Will's ~feelings~ about numbers > science and statistics.

I'm guessing he's raped a woman before and any crack down on rape puts him on the defensive. Non rapists don't constantly worry about being "falsely" confused and don't hate the idea of obtaining clear consent.

I'd like to know what prizes he thinks someone wins for being sexually assaulted. Where are people celebrated for this? Sometimes people—usually other survivors—will thank someone for coming forward, but it's not like anyone's throwing the person a parade or giving them straight A's or baking them cookies.

This. This, this this. He is assuming that 'rape' means, I don't know, waking up the next day next to an athlete who goes on to be a Senator, and not feeling completely 10/10 about the whole thing. Rape is brutal, violent and awful in every way and IT HAPPENS ALL THE FUCKING TIME.

I'm sorry that happened to you. It sucks as a minority to be worried about the police mistreating POC when you're trying to report a crime. These asshats just want to feel morally superior and in their minds safe because they don't act like modern attention whores or actual whores.

Yes, Mr. Will. Being the victim of sustained emotional and sexual abuse by a partner was ABSOLUTELY the highlight of my college experience! All the other girls are so jealous of the years I've spent in therapy and the PTSD flashbacks I continue to have.

He can't possibly really think this. I mean, come on. It's absolutely insane. You should see how uncomfortable everyone gets if I ever mention my rape—it's hardly like talking about a freaking pool party. You are taught to keep your mouth shut. And, as I've said before, I know lots of women who have been raped.

So he's saying 5,600 of those 28,000 students couldn't possibly have been assaulted because LOLOLOL that number is just too high?

I knew he was bad but this has me floored. You think this is a lark? They never caught the four men who raped me. But I had sooooo much fun pointing fingers. Right.

In fact I was terrified of looking at line-ups since I was roofied and I had few clear memories. I was so scared of pointing out the wrong brothers to a