
I'm not saying it's your fault, I'm saying you're the common denominator. And the common denominators in a group of women shot by a crazy ass entitled psychopath are that A) they were women and B) the dude with the gun.

I can absolutely do that. In fact I'll give you two. The existing Ashanti (Ghana) and the Mbuti (pygmies). For reading, check out Colin Turnbull's "The Forest People" as well as Benderley's excellent article "Rape Free or Rape Prone" which examines why these cultures are free of sexual violence vs. our culture. Key

For what it's worth, it's not my intention to be a better writer or beat the horse to death or take away your agency in any way. I used to feel like feminism was pointless, that striving toward equality should be about equal opportunity, empathy and acknowledgment of ALL people and men were an important equation in

I was raised by a narcissist and I want to jump up and down at your reply. If you've been raised by a narcissistic parent or had a narcissistic partner, you see it in this guy from jump street. I don't need a DSM or a psych degree to know a narcissist; I've spent over 30 years of my life dealing with two of them. His

Derpaderpaderp we are talking Stockton! I'm sorry dude. My bad. You're 100% right.

Me too. Such a hot mess.

"First it sucks that the only way that gender equality will happen is through acts such as these over the weekend." - wait a minute. What?? Do you truly and honestly believe this? Read back over what you said.

I think those are great points - especially the part about him being a classic whatever-somewhere-on-the-NPD-spectrum - but that doesn't really cut it fully for me. Because he didn't feel that women were giving him the love or access-to-vagina or attention he so felt he deserved because he's such a special snowflake,

Here's the thing dude - bad decision making it might have been, but in this case, potential death is NOT an acceptable consequence for making stupid ass decisions.

But you know us WIMMFEMALES can't think thoughts!

He was frequenting, posting on and finding community on PUA related websites, so there was some allegiance there.

Yeahhh, I think maybe you're the one who has trouble understanding points. But #notallmen amirite

I'm gonna have to argue with you on this one. Culture of violence is right. Violence IS widespread and doesn't just involve men who are idiots, which is an arbitrary classification. You know we're living in a culture of violence when seeing safe, consensual sex on TV or OMG A BOOB are the worst thing ever, but we can

Yeahhh, except men=/= people of color in your analogy. Grown ass white folks are the oppressors, not the oppressed.

Get what you're saying and I want to agree with you on a lot of levels, but if you took 'woman' out of the equation and made this a race issue, and we turned it around and said "Be gentle with the white people they just don't get it!" there would be something very wrong with that in this day and age, all intent aside.

I'm 100% aware that violence isn't the answer to violence but I am so sick of these news stories I'm ready to pop an artery. I really want to pull that obnoxious bluetooth headset off him and jam it right up his ass. And then kick it.

Yeahh, that was right next to my house. And fuck that guy. And his plane.

And you probably just said what I posted above, but better than I said it. So thanks.

I agree with you, but I guess I don't understand why we have to divide ourselves sharply between the "it was a mental illness!' or "it was misogyny/MG culture!" standpoints. Obviously he had some shit going on. Watching this guy's self-delusional rants it's obvious he is mentally ill to some degree - not up to me to

... and we have a winner.