Right, but at least Obama had the good sense to distance himself from Wright while Trump embrasses even worse people.
Right, but at least Obama had the good sense to distance himself from Wright while Trump embrasses even worse people.
Satan is the guy next to me hitting a 17 when the dealer is showing a 5 and busting with the face card I fucking needed.
Every faith is about personal change. Politicians and kings have re-written those ideals over the millenia and twisted the original intent (as all religions have succumbed to) and re-distributed it as legalism there by converting it into a form of oppression. Faith teaches religion chastises.
“Hell” as properly defined by modern Christianity isn’t, but eternal damnation for people who don’t believe most definitely is in the Bible.
He’s not wrong about some of what he’s saying. If you identify as “Christian”, what exactly does that mean to you? Does it mean “I generally believe what the Bible says” or “I try to follow what Jesus said”.
Which is really silly considering the Big 3 western religions all worship the same deity.
I dunno, though; isn’t that sort of the thing about the Abrahamic religions? That everybody else’s religion is bullshit?
I think they’re conflating the general lack of Satan with a lack of Hell.
Catholics: Terroristing since 37 AD!
I don’t think I’ve ever heard the Pope say all Muslims are going to Hell.
I hate to disagree, but someone who thinks Islam is “heresy from the pit of hell” is actually the perfect choice to deliver the opening prayer at the dedication of the new U.S. embassy in Jerusalem.
Absolutely not. People used to love watching executions. The only reason they stopped being public is because they weren’t achieving the policy ends the various governments wanted. Seeing people die as a result of their own evil intentions (breaking into Israel to kickstart a new knife infatada) doesn’t phase people…
In the scheme of likely outcomes in the Missouri Senate race, going for “ dump her ghoul ass and try to get a Dem who cares about human life above corporations and warfare” probably means handing ripped Bobby Newport here the election.
That’s their actual goal. They want as many dead. They are essentially fighting a two front war. One against Israel and the other against the Palestinians because they know dead people make Western idiots excited to try and intervene on their behalf.
What mechanism can you claim for a story being planted in major papers of record (redundant, I know) in both the United States and United Kingdom other than a conspiracy theory?
But their response wasn’t to kill them all, but just those it perceived to be a direct threat. It fired upon those trying to get over or through the fence, as far as I can gather, rather than the large crowd behind them or urban Gaza.
You do realize that the “striking back” you’re endorsing is the targeted stabbing of pregnant women, right? It’s amazing that that’s what you’re okay with when you’re simultaneously decrying a country firing on suspected militants trying to break into its borders.
I cited the first attack total found on Wikipedia, with most of the attacks listed in the article being corroborated by mainstream news organization from multiple countries. You cannot deny that they happened without claiming a global conspiracy, and we both know who that conspiracy theory would have to blame.
Are you denying that the knife intifada never took place and that the 166 stabbings, 89 attempted stabbings, 108 shootings, 47 vehicular rammings, and one vehicle bus bombing between the Octobersof 2015 and 2016? Does that mean you think that the Jews are just controlling the world media, including major American and…
I’d say it’s much less in response to trash being thrown than the “knife intifada” two years ago, when the Gazans were routinely getting into Israel to stab pregnant women (they publicized that that’s who they were targeting). Israelis don’t want a repeat of that, and think that most of the people trying to get…