
Hamas using human shields is more than a “central criticism” about this event. The UN called Hamas’ routine practice of using women as children as human shields a war crime because, you know, it is.

She’s the Asian Lesbian candidate, right? I’m sure that’s a demographic that the parties are really fighting over so maybe the Democrats should bump her to the top of the list. She checks (and eats) a lot of boxes.

OK, Johnny Badass. Better do it before you get deported.

You have my blessing but we gave them Iron Dome, and nukes, so I think we’re pretty much stuck with them as allies. You might get lucky and Iran will nuke Israel and if they do that, they’ll wipe out Gaza/Palesine too and that may be the best solution all around.

The UN issued a report in (IIRC) 2014 that said they’re both war criminals that routinely commit war crimes against each other.

Well, that’s how the UN views it so I don’t know why anyone else would see it any differently.

Actually, most historians would agree that the USSR defeated the Nazis while the other allies just sat back and waited for them to do so.

You mean writing? It’s the internet. No one is talking. Learn English.

No, we should bomb the fuck out of the Gaza Strip which is likely exactly what happens when the US/Saudi Arabia/Israel attack Iran and, in a “kill two birds with one stone” move, also wipe out Hamas/Gaza.

Isn’t she the Asian lesbian candidate? That’s a good demographic group to shoot for in a national election.

If they include “Former Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick” as a contender, I don’t see why you can’t be included.

Rafi Schwartz is trying to be a Hipster Jew and come out on the side of Palestine. He’ll do so wearing plaid, drinking craft beer, crying, and waving a Hamas flag. Along with, of course, writing three blogs a day in support of Hamas.

If Hamas didn’t use women and children as human shields, they’d have no reason to exist at all in Gaza. Along with being used as suicide bombers, it’s their prime function in that dump.

In most parts of the US, English is the language that will have practical use.

Fuck you, Ahmed. I can’t wait until the US/Saudi Arabia/Israel blow the fuck out of Iran and nuke Gaza in the process. It’s going to be a great day to get rid of you fucking worms.

It’s apparently his own law firm so I doubt if he’s worried.

Why the fuck should anyone take Spanish for “a few years”?


Yes. Hamas uses women - and children - intentionally as human shields and that’s exactly what they did here. It’s also why so many suicide bombers are women and/or children.

No, it’s literally PR and was planned for months. You’re just too dumb to recognize Hamas PR. Or, alternatively, you’re pro-Hamas. Take your pick.