
I guess you can’t read as well as you think or maybe you’re just too lazy to research shit on your own.

Looks just like Anton LaVey. I’m sure he’ll be a big winner.

I don’t know why you’d doubt me when they’d breached the fence for weeks prior to the Big One on Israel’s 70th birthday. It’s only been in the news for over a month.

Take your meds, Achmed. I’m sure Hamas wants you to appear sane when you defend them on the internet.

Yes, Gazans give their lives to support Hamas PR all the time. I know you’re just finding out about it but that’s because you’re not smart. It’s been in the news for weeks. Here’s a story for you that spells it out.

I have no doubt that Donj is dumb. I do, however, have doubts that anyone with the Trump camp was smart enough to collude with anyone to rig the 2016 election.

Yes, they made the attempt and breached the fence. It was not the first time. Hamas planned this for weeks and let everyone know about it, including the IDF.

It’s spelled principle.

The Israelis agreed to the 1947 two-state solution proposed by the UN. The Arab states balked at the agreement, and sent forces so the Palestinians could wage war with the Israelis, not the other way around. The Israelis whooped that ass, and now the Palestinians are calling for the same two-state peace they balked

So, since shooting them is off the table, your idea is just letting people whose admitted goal in life is to wipe Israel off the Earth just run wild?

Sorry, I read through the comments and don’t mean to barge into your other conversations but I’m glad you brought up Iran because I think that’s where this is all leading.

When you pull that article out of your ass (which is the only place it exists) let us know.

That’s not an argument, you fucking idiot. Hamas has been planning this for weeks, six weeks to be exact.

Very true, but if you look at how Gaza has been run since Hamas took over governing it around 2007, you’ll see that they don’t really have a lot of concern for the lives of their citizens. They’re zealots and, to them, the destruction of Israel is worth paying whatever price may be necessary.

You said that people of any party can vote in primaries in some states.

Great, I’m sure you’ll point out where I was inaccurate. Of course, you’ll have to learn anything about history first and, after you’ve done that, you’ll see that nothing I’ve said is even controversial, let alone wrong. This “conflict” is about 60 years old. The facts behind it are pretty well known to everyone but

No, you’re a piece of shit.

I haven’t been to a Nazi rally like you have so I haven’t had the opportunity to do so.

So, in a riot involving 10k+ people, you suggest . . . what? Wait until one of them shoots someone? Wait until they all come through and are loose?

No, I just cut-and-pasted the same comment and replied to you and the other idiot and accidentally clicked my comment as well. Don’t worry, so long as you and the other idiot get the message (as you did) I’m cool with it.