
chipcookies . Jerusalem is only important because of the Jews who were the first people to give it any meaning as their capital and holy city 1,000 plus years before Christianity and obv before islam . In fact Jerusalem is not even mentioned in the koran and the name for Jerusalem in arabic al-Quds is derived.from

The ones who wanted to join were welcomed. The ones who wanted to fight were fought. Same as this conflict.

Arab-Israeli citizens hold office and vote. Occupied Palestine, as non-citizens, do not. While in the past the Israelis have offered citizenship to all Palestinians who wanted it, they by and large rejected it.

It’s not a perfect comparison, and Black Americans didn’t desire to destroy America and evict all white people. And they didn’t have the population to vote this into reality.

It’s an apt and logical analogy:

Self contained bubbles of emotions are dumb and possibly dangerous. I’m here to remind people why shit is the way it is, and why they’re no better.

I don’t think anyone’s asserting they were unarmed.

You’ve covered all of the terrorists favorite propaganda blogs. You do realize that the diet stuff is completely untrue and has been debunked time and time again. If it was true then we should have been seeing massive numbers of people dying of malnutrition since that article was from 6 years ago......

I mean, it’s something of an unfair standard but we can compare the way Israel treated Muslim holy sites and Christian pilgrims in West Jerusalem from ‘48 to ‘67 to the way Jordan treated Christian Pilgrims and Jewish holy sites in East Jerusalem before the ‘67 war.

That place is sacred for three religions, it should be country free.

are you really that delusional? Did you not see the fire bombs, rocks, kites with bombs, actual bombs, burning hundreds of tires, etc? Hamas’ stated intention is to infiltrate the border, go to towns and murder jews. When someone says they are coming to your house to murder you and your family you don’t sit around

Yeah, it actually does. And your #2 response proves it. Israel is about Jewish self-determination. If you deny that right then you are anti-semitic. Sorry, but thats the way it works. Israel DOES represent Jews and IS the Jewish state regardless of what you want it to be, that is what it IS. You choose to ignore

How many would be enough for you? 6 million or so? We’ve suffered plenty and we aren’t letting terrorists roam into Israeli towns and THEN decide that they have bad intentions. If they weren’t trying to invade Israel then there would be literally no issues.

When you lose wars, you lose your right to determine the future.

And I’m saying that you are ridiculous for pretending the Palestinians dont have any agency in their actions. Trying to storm a militarized border will result in you being shot. That’s on you.

“worse than apartheid”. Interesting since you can’t make the apartheid claim with any validity you’ve moved on to it being WORSE...... while ignoring that a terrorist organization who called for these marches INTO Israel to kill jews.

Fully agreed. Since this article is talking about marijuana complaints in both heavily white and black neighborhoods and comparing arrest rates, it seems to imply that the complaints are generally directed at both populations so a racial basis to the complaints isn’t as likely (ie this includes white people calling on

Yes, not Hamas, the group who convince these people to attack the border. Your racism is showing through your inability to accept that these people can choose or not choose to attack the border.

My question here is, who the fuck calls 911 to complain about marijuana?

Legalization is coming, although prohibitions on public smoking will likely remain, and will still be a source of disparities in arrests. Still, legalization can’t come soon enough (and should have happened already), and should include the expungement of all small possession charges past and present.