
I’m just surprised by the people defending the hacker acting like this isn’t clearly similar to the kind of stuff that was conveniently “discovered” about Joy Reid, and from the same source, literally. It’s like someone has discovered how the use the Wayback Machine to manufacture limitless ad hominem attacks on

You’re talking to someone who knows the truth about the “super-predator” comment, where it originated, how many times it was actually said, and the subsequent apology for using it, so spare me that bullshit. You neohippies always forget that your GOP-aping tactics don’t work on an educated population.

Being “working class” doesn’t shield you from having your racism called out, Stan. The fact is that you favor economic policies that primarily benefit whites and deny the genuine impact of systemic racism. You side with people who mock the idea of the gender wage gap. Small wonder educated black voters told your phony

Good luck selling out the base of the Democratic Party (black women) trying to court your fellow deplorables. It’s not going to work, but your insane rage at the outcome is going to be hella entertaining! Must suck finding out the hard way that real liberals don’t fall victim to emotional tirades the way you

Aww, the deplorable-lite “progressive” is sad at being exposed as deplorable-lite. Fuck your sell-out-minorities white-working-class-obsessed mindset, fuck your squishiness on women’s issues, and overall fuck yourself, sideways, when it comes to your obnoxious rhetoric. DIAF.

Funny, but you sound like a right-wing Republican when you repeat their garbage talking points. That’s a problem you should have looked into. Still no cure for your CDS, but there’s always hope. 

Expect more until the revolution is won.

That is why they always have the don’t feed the animals signs at parks and such, if they get handouts, they forget how to feed themselves.

Joy Reid did nothing wrong.

Interesting. How prominently is Tomatoface featured? I assume he or she is 80-85% of the doc.

Peter Thiel funded a Hulk 404plex? Oh man that sucks.

Being a pop culture Luddite is turning into a wonderful life choice.

That’s pretty clearly the hat size.

“Right wingers”

Nuance caused the Holocost you fence-sitting fool.

So, are you saying that people who disagree with you are making things worse? Because that’s a very bigoted, Trump-like thing to say.

Yeah y’all said Hillary was a criminal too so excuse me if I take that with all the salt in the world.

So I don’t like Cuomo either on a personal level. What I’m saying is that let’s stop beating up US and start beating up THEM.

Dear Bernie Types: Stop tearing down candidates that have a legitimate shot at federal politics. Cuomo is in the 2020 discussion.

It’s a well known tradition among seafarers that bodies buried at sea are to first be dismembered and then thrown into sacks with clothes and a knife before burial. It’s all very symbolic.