
I think your error is that you presume these losers (for lack of a better term) remain losers forever. That’s not really true. People who are displaced find other means of work, and if they can’t enjoy massive wealth, they can work so that their children can live better than they did.

To be fair, the cycle of winners and losers in capitalism has also resulted in the net positive growth of per capita human wealth and the movement of hundreds of millions out of poverty.

Good for her. I hopes she runs and wins. However, I have been to a couple city council meetings, and I would not want to do that job. It is thankless and looks frustrating, and you have to deal with people lining up to yell at you.

I found it online easy, this is your house right?

This is neither her nor there, but as I read through these comments, I flicked on my electric kettle to make tea. And as I read this sentence about loud and terrifying wasps, my kettle began to growl and hiss. And I nearly jumped out of my skin, so convinced I was for a moment that the wasps were here for ME.

From my understanding (which I will admit is only second-hand) you could only get a few ranks (up to Captain or maybe Major in most services and whatever the hell the Navy equivalents are) based on medical degree, experience, and specialty. Maybe the Navy is different, maybe I’m wrong, but I’d hate to see people get

Look, Jackson might be a terrible pick for the VA, but I’m not sure people can say that most upper-level military personnel have “no management experience.” I’d be fine with “no management experience outside of the military” (which is a very different type of experience), but from my understanding no one gets to/past

Of course you are entitled to your own feelings and opinions. Not sure why someone deciding to do something other than what you want makes them a “dingus”, though. You know, since you’re the one using your presumably reasonably well read online platform to insult the taste, intelligence, and overall reasonableness of

If you live in a forest, why are you planting trees?

The fact you don’t mention ticks suggests either you don’t live in the northeast or you don’t get out near the woods much.

And yet you still complain that the owner of that lot didn’t take all of your wishes into account when disposing of his property. Maybe your neighbors find your home unsightly, and are aghast at the many rural pests which you have allowed to flourish on your property, which will soon be migrating to bother them.

Police have yet to release an official motive for the shooting.

I just disagree with you and have absolutely no reason to consider you the final arbiter of how I interpret something someone else said.

Oh right, you’re the one who gets to be offended by what others say

So confused now. Since I don’t know who Bret Stephens is or why he is supposed to be annoying, this is just baffling to me. I think the point that Stephens, who may be an asshole, is making, however, is a good one.

Dude, I read that about ten minutes ago. Wanted to be sure I got the trajectory right. And the dominant theme (the “queen” part) speaks to defrauding the system for financial gain.

You mean there’s nothing wrong with insinuating that Sean Hannity is just as bad as black women being on welfare?

He inverted a caricature and applied it to one of the dickheads who popularized it, thereby reinforcing how utterly bereft of integrity said dickhead is.

This class of person is going to behave like this regardless, but the least we can do is stop enabling them by giving them a place to gather and breed more assholes like themselves.

Frats gonna frat. They’re not going to change. They’re not going to take sensitivity training and get better. This is what frats are.