No, it’s Becky.
No, it’s Becky.
why were you hard in the first place?
Click bait title. Wanted to read silly but entertaining whining about s.o. but instead found a well reasoned and written piece about one’s self
Never Again. On the one hand, it was valuable to know why we didn’t work, and we finally ended it TWO MONTHS BEFORE OUR WEDDING. But on the other hand, maybe we would have been just fine never living together.
We are not giving those men at that disgusting “website” our hard-earned traffic created by our male servant Bobby Finger
Sometimes I am sad I am single. Then there are other times where I realize I can go on vacation and nobody will call in bomb scares about me out of jealousy, and I feel free as a bird and it's glorious.
She’s almost a year old, now, but this is Roxie 10 months ago! She was so grumpy-looking at first, and so tiny! Now she’s sixty pounds, hard to believe!
puppies!!! here enjoy a picture of my dog when he was just a tiny adorable poop machine
You are depriving everyone of Torch’s fantastic prose when they covered this story on Jalopnik the other day:
“Weak End at Bernie’s” is a pretty good headline, but it’s got nothing on “Spice Gull,” the phrase used by the Guardi…
it’s all just very weird and off and i’m just bothered by all these statements by everyone I just want the whole truth to come out.
Did you just say you will fellate me?
“Hey guys, it turns out you don’t actually understand the person you love the most and instead have cobbled together an understanding of her based mostly on stereotypes. And she apparently doesn’t feel comfortable enough with you to discuss these types of things honestly. Isn’t that great news?”
If only the wall was waterproof and if only there was a handy source of water to clean it...
First comedy and now this. When will Family Guy stop ruining things.
I send them to my wife as a joke when I’m lying in bed next to her and she’s reading on her phone.
The draft is shit. Liberal feminists have always said it’s shit. It was shit before women were forced into it. It’s still shit now. This isn’t a “gotcha” moment for anyone. Turns out mandatory requirements and restrictions are—as they have always been—the exact opposite of civil liberty, and the anarcho-socialist…
Women are very experienced in cleaning up blood so we get away with it more often.
I love this- His crimes are attributable to a “power void,” because she was the breadwinner, yet if he is jailed his wife will be financially unstable? What about all of that bread she has been winning?
Still, I think you need to keep a strong military presence in Japan. The last 70 years may just have been Hirohito’s long game.