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    Love how every time it’s a story about Canada they just throw up their hands like they can’t figure it out, even though it’s the same as if they were writing about American towns they never heard of.

    My one thing I could be grateful for when I first left and everything was super hard to handle was that I didn’t have any kids. I can’t imagine how much harder that makes things and how much scarier that must have been for you and so many others out there. And hopefully when she’s a couple years older I can sit my

    No we were married for a few years and now we are not. It definitely got way worse than his family not liking me.

    For background, from within a couple months of dating, my entire family bought my ex-husband (then boyfriend) gifts for his birthday, gifts for Christmas, treats for Easter and other candy holidays, invited him to their homes to celebrate, etc etc.

    Toronto, Queen st West @ Dufferin, in the parking lot of a really good burger/shawarma place. Right across from the Drake Hotel. We camped out while we ate our burgers to see if I could spot Ellen Page, but no such luck.

    One of the filming locations for this was a block from my old place. We went down to check out the set, and it looked very cool.

    Nobody thinks of it even though it’s obvious that some kids feel like shit. Schools have had candygrams for decades. It used to be from your peers, so the kid who gets nothing is the kid with no friends. Try going twelve years never getting any of those stupid class-time-interrupting bags of sugar or flowers or

    That rule came from corporate in Canada over 3 years ago. Nobody else wanted to listen to it except pretty much me though.

    I’m still mad about Angelea. I stopped watching after that. How dare they give someone the prize and then take it away?

    Uh duh, people assume if they’re paying over a hundred dollars on shoes that they’ll be of good quality. And if you pay someone to pretend to know about fashion, they’re gonna do their best to pretend to know about fashion.

    Children need, and deserve your attention. To withhold it as punishment for desiring it in the first place is emotional abuse. If you’re more concerned about if your child is “winning” something from you... Oof. That's gonna be hard to explain to you why that's awful.

    “Horking” is what I call it when my cat eats her food so fast that it comes back up still in little shapes, but slightly soggy.

    Rancho relaxo put out a video of their Guard Turkey on Instagram. Pecking at the dogs and chasing grown humans around menacingly.

    Yes how dare the California government not control the temperature and rainfall quantities!

    I cheered out loud when someone FINALLY called New Harvey “farm boy.” It basically took the entire season for that little Easter egg to happen.

    You said younger kids. Those grow, really fast. I think the trend of designer kids clothes is dumb because they will outgrow them every time. At least with adults there's a chance you can wear it for years...

    Shelters give out tiny toiletries like you describe, and boot you out into whatever weather from 9am-4pm and you cannot reenter during that time, meaning no lunch. Lots of homeless people don’t panhandle, because it’s illegal and not worth the risk of police interference or frostbite.

    Yes I’m sure that actual infant can get $65 of wear out of black leggings.

    “basic leggings” for babies starting from $65.