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    Then definitely wear makeup around the house when you've got nowhere to be, so you can push through that feeling without worrying about what anyone but you thinks. Look in mirrors on purpose while you're wearing it until it feels right. If you like how other women look with makeup, then do your best to mimic a look

    Is there a reason you're trying to wear makeup even though you feel uncomfortable with it in this way? Practicing for a special event? Looking "put together" at work? Or do you just feel like you should without knowing quite why?

    I just figured they pulled a Fanning and were using an unknown little sister to play Young Cece.

    Even if the treatment is free, it'll help but not eliminate people who have to avoid treatment. If people think they have ebola they'll probably go for it, but a single parent who figures they just have a bad cold/flu might not go in knowing they may be subjected to 3 weeks qt unless they have reliable free childcare.

    I don't know, you guys have a whole lot of people without real access to medical care due to the cost. And since we've repeatedly heard that it can hang out on body-fluid-ed surfaces waiting to be picked up, and we've also heard about how much fecal matter is on basically everything we touch...

    My ~$4 nail clippers made by a beauty brand that is well known are absolute CRAP. They have too much leeway on the hinge, so they almost always "shift" position while I am trying to use them (the part you press shifts to the left or right making it impossible to fully clip, only scar my nail where I meant to clip). My

    You can buy fake breasts that are silicone-ish, buy one and glue it on there real good? You might need to blend with theatre makeup and probably wear something over it, it would be too heavy to stay up on its own. Learn to make a three-boobed bra? Seems like a lot more work than it would be worth.

    From what I understand, they were manipulated and coerced into representing themselves that way in the first place. They were both ushered into the industry by their parents, starting at 4 and 6 years old. They were picked up for the duo at 14 and 15 years old, and forced by contract to say and do things they did not

    Cook them until they are not too firm. Make your goal to eventually have beans, not to have beans for a specific meal. Or cook them on high for the first hour or two to speed things up.

    I have a hard time believing this, because I make kidney beans in the slow cooker all the time, and nothing bad has ever happened. I know that's anecdotal, but if it's really toxic it should be toxic all the time, not just rarely.

    You scoop them days in advance and freeze them on trays, then put them into giant ziplocs in the freezer. Or at least, I really hope that's how they did it.

    Being pro-gun-control does not mean you have to be anti-gun. Just that you don't think everyone should be able to get a gun super-easily and without restrictions. Presumably, you feel you're the kind of person who will not use a gun to harm someone unless they are harming or about to harm you.

    Hahaha. No.

    Even if it was Actual Ice Water, it's August. It's hot out. It's not like the water coming out of kids' sprinklers are particularly lukewarm, yet they run through that cold water gleefully. She'd be warm again in 5 minutes at the most.

    Psh, more like Veronica Mars. She was barely even *in* big love.

    Yes, nothing. We have made $15,000 or less each year, and while employers have taken income taxes off my husbands paycheck (because they are stupid and don't follow the rules), we ALWAYS get not only all of it returned to us, but additional money in the form of refund that we had never given them when we do our taxes.

    Pretty much exactly like that. Except, the country only has enough cereal for everyone to get one box, and some people have been buying one box several times (at different stores, or I'm hoping in hilarious disguises) and then either reselling it at a higher price, or hoarding it in case things get worse. Then other

    Personally? No. I am not paying for it in taxes. I do not pay taxes, I get taxes given back to me every year. Everyone else is paying my health care costs. Thanks, other Canadians!

    I have never heard of this before. Housecalls, wow. Crazy.

    Well, obviously if you're Rich Enough, like, get a wing named after you rich, you can bribe people into breaking rules. But it's not easy or actually allowed, right?