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    You cannot pay to see a regular medical doctor (unless you have a Quebec medical card, or are in Quebec with a different province's medical card, in which case Qc is a jerk province and makes you pay upfront and "get reimbursed" later). You can pay for specific specialized doctors (psychiatrist, plastic surgeon) but

    Rabbits are an extremely sustainable meat source, especially when compared with the larger creatures we eat. A family can raise their own year-round protein with rabbits, without needing two giant freezers like if they raised a cow.

    What exact law depends on which state or province you live in. Where I am, it is illegal to leave a child under 11 unattended, anywhere. Not just the park, where outside hazards can get at them. They are not allowed to be left at home unless someone 13 or older is supervising them. If someone reports you are leaving

    I really wish you could see my horrified face right now.

    So what I'm hearing is, yes, people should starve themselves for two weeks to be legally entitled to vote. Super. Glad I understood that correctly. Have a nice day.

    I can feed my family for a week on that $20. Should we all go hungry a week so one of us can vote? Two weeks so both adults can? This is not my life, but it is some peoples'. I have gone hungry at 50% of meals for 3 weeks to pay for unripped black pants for my husband to not get fired. I have turned my heat down to

    There is poor with a little p and then there is Poor with a Big P. I was poor with a little p. I am now low-average, and still have trouble getting certain bureaucratic tasks complete because merely getting to the place they are done is a big burden in a one-car household, and my phone plan is limited weekday

    "one of the nine acceptable forms of photo ID"

    I live in an apartment, so the only place I can grow things is at a community garden, which a) I am not allowed to alter in any way (and am allowed a maximum of 64 sq ft) and b) which I pay for the right to use, before even counting the costs of planting or soil improvements, so I try to grow the more expensive

    This is made 1000% funnier by the fact that I *just* finished rewatching the first episode of Game of Thrones.

    I love purple potatoes, there was a market that sold them near me when I was a kid and we got them sometimes. I still feel like comparatively potatoes are a waste of my very limited space because I can find them for less than 50c/lb in season (and 20c/lb once or twice a year), but I'm planning some sweet potatoes next

    Yeah but the main starch in Russia is not wheat, it is potato, which grows easily in a backyard. I've met couples who manage to grow an adequate supply of potatoes in a 4'x8' community garden bed. And by "backyard", if you read the article, we're talking 2-5 acres, as that is the amount of land they gave to citizens

    The Russian people grow a large amount of their own food in their backyards, outside the cities. This is a result of giving away small parcels of free land some decades ago. Backyard gardens make up 40% of the nation's food supply. (http://naturalhomes.org/naturalliving/…)

    I'm not 100% clear on parental approval laws, but I know back in the mid-2000s a young girl in BC didn't need anyone's permission to get PlanB from a doctor. Of course, she did have to skip school because clinics were closed by the time students could get to them...

    Not if you're taking the advice to save money early in your 20s when you're theoretically making a lot less than the 80%-of-final-salary suggested as retirement income.

    There is required coursework that deals with it, but honestly I'm talking about local kids being adopted by local families here through the provincial government, not international adoption, so I doubt it's about "exoticism". It's more the idea that we won't understand the history and even current things these kids

    I think the idea behind the policy is one of good intentions, but honestly it is unlikely to happen as often as they hope. It's a sad truth that the ratios of children in the system skew non-white and the families looking to adopt skew white.

    I live in BC, and our provincial adoption system tries to place children in homes of the same race. They obviously can't always succeed, because the ratios of adoption families/children doesn't line up. But it is in their information packages.

    Lol I know, they are too much. I don't know what they were thinking, but one was gone and then the other and I'm assuming since they brought in two more that they did eventually sell. The shelter bunnies cost more like 50ish I think.

    Interesting. I would say good thing I wasn't tricked into getting those cute pet store bunnies, but let's be real they were $180 each and I was never going to bring them home ;)