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    Really? I'll hold and pet the bunnies in the pet store that still carries animals, but I won't even reach my hand in the guinea pig cage. I feel like they would bite so hard! Maybe because their teeth look so big, and I've never really been around them?

    This is honestly why I'm so confused that Canadians tend to follow the same tipping guidelines as Americans. I'm well read on labour laws, minimum wage tipped employees (only the ones who serve alcohol mind you, unlicensed restaurants don't count as any different from other employers) tend to earn about 85-90% what

    If you're the employee, generally you're told not to. If you're the owner, you can't tackle them but you can totally follow them and shout at them that they stole and to give it back and everyone sees and hears it and then everyone in the small town knows to definitely not steal from your store.

    At 23 and married (for 2 years, together over 5 yrs) I very rarely have a sex drive whatsoever. It isn't normal for me, and I can make several educated guesses as to its cause and potential solutions. But most of the solutions are very unpleasant for at least one of us or take years. We find workarounds for them

    I think if my body reacted to sex by getting sleepy afterwards it wouldn't be an issue, but I've learned I just can't get to sleep for aaaages after. I am all for mid-morning through early evening fun, but once it gets to late evening I am done lol

    I'd think the bacteria issue depends on how long you've been wearing the genital-covering garment, not what fabric it is made of. If I wore my bikini bottoms for 3 days (ew) and then got in the pool, it'd have just as much grossness as underwear I had been wearing for 3 days (still ew).

    We've been to therapy, but not for sex. It was not so helpful.

    I don't think you read my comment right, or else you're agreeing with me and I'm reading you wrong? Somebody is reading something some way.

    No matter why she feels insecure (and in my experience it's basically impossible for a man to *never* say something that makes any woman insecure, because everyone has things they don't want to hear) a little earnest reassurance will go a long way. I'm picturing this guy reacting to hearing his wife feels ugly and fat

    When I am too tired, it is because one of these:

    Unless one of them was faking their libido levels, nobody in this situation was being unfair to get married to each other.

    One would assume a man also has a hand.

    Idk, she repeatedly told him she "felt gross", including times where "sweaty" was not mentioned. What are the odds these are the only times she's made those kind of comments about herself? (slim). And if they started after weight gain? (likely.)

    It's also important to note that many child molesters are not clinically pedophiles, they just choose children as victims because it is easier than victimizing adults.

    The openness and honesty regarding the things others do and say that make him uncomfortable, in a blunt and not-whining way was what I was talking about.

    Still just proving you haven't been watching.

    Uh, this comment and all the others about his character directly tell me you haven't been watching the show for at least 2 seasons, probably 3. So maybe shut up about it.

    Yup. I'm 23 and taking my first vacation since I moved on my own at 17. It's my honeymoon. And it's two years late. And it's just driving to the big city and doing stuff there for a couple days.

    From what I've heard, California's tenancy laws are basically mostly set by the county or city, right? That's probably the problem. Any place trying to rush their rules isn't going to have every contingency in there, so when it's state-wide they'll have seen more cases that make it clear a rule is needed.

    I'd be happy if they even just made a concerted effort to teach kids not to sign anything they don't understand or haven't fully read.