Nope don't use canning jars, I tried this (unsealed) when I knew the water was getting shut off for repairs the next day and the canning jar water tasted awful after less than 24h, I guess from the sealing ring rubbery stuff? Disgusting.
Nope don't use canning jars, I tried this (unsealed) when I knew the water was getting shut off for repairs the next day and the canning jar water tasted awful after less than 24h, I guess from the sealing ring rubbery stuff? Disgusting.
Thank god someone else noticed.
That was my response to that episode too. Like, three 911 calls and this is how long it takes you to show up? Worst police ever.
These kinds of libraries sound awful. They're supposed to be community spaces to promote reading among people who can't afford to buy books, not corporate assholes charging a 700% markup.
Yes, but if you're letting a 2 or 3 year old touch food, they might pick their nose then touch your food faster than you can catch, or cough or sneeze or whatever, stuff that an older kid will have more control over than a toddler would. It's not really the end of the world, but I wouldn't let kids start touching…
Never feed food cooked by small children to others. If you live with the finger sucking stuff-touching kids, you'll get what they catch no matter what anyways ;)
You said you would rather we not help them so they can learn to help themselves, but that takes years and millions would die of preventable causes between now and then. A side-effect you think is fully acceptable.
For real? My library has a $10 maximum penalty for late adult books. $2 for kids books. They definitely should not be able to charge more than the book even costs for you keeping it late.
Step 1: Eyeshadow
Are you even hearing yourself? I'm talking about vaccines and access to fresh water. You know, the right to what is considered basic medical care, and clean water is the only thing humans cannot live without?
Or, since most of the western world's problems are WAY less of an issue than say, 29,000 children under 5 years old dying from preventable things EVERY. DAY., maybe we should keep providing free vaccines and wells and education regarding sanitation and more productive farming methods that are still natural and…
You didn't say it had thousands of different ingredients, you just said to multiply it by a lot, which would need a really big bowl but is otherwise still a cake.
Your suggestion that young people shopping at one or two specific retailers that use these labor practices promotes them implies that there is a place to shop that would not promote that. My point is that there is not. There is no ethical clothing manufacturer big enough to replace H&M's 140 billion dollar clothing…
Blaming "The Young People" for the continued existence of a store that has been in business twice as long as I have been alive (and probably you if you're average grad school age) is what's stupid. If we all stopped shopping there, they wouldn't cease to exist immediately, they would fight tooth and nail to keep…
I'm Canadian and I wouldn't move to the USA even if someone told me they would kill me and everyone I loved if I didn't. I like my hospital to take me in without asking for my firstborn.
Firstly, the person who said the words "continuing the status quo" is not me.
Well yeah, if you don't buy into the system that you are told you need to buy into every day for 4+ years, you might not end up in the system. But working 80 hours *should* mean you're doing very very well regardless of whether or not you have a family and regardless of whether or not you went to higher education.…
Um....Yeah actually. I bake frequently and most reasonable people with any experience at all would identify what is going wrong and add ingredients that will fix the problem. It's not even hard. If it's too runny you add more sugar+flour, if it's too thick you add more egg or some milk or oil or water. If it's not…
Yeah actually. But there's a difference between that and working almost as much as is humanly possible and still being hungry all the time and the slightly less (but still very) nefarious social norms that have us borrowing money so we can work hard until we're almost dead so we can make money to make sure we can…
Try again. H&M Clothing was founded in 1947. Let Me Google That For You