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    Get your wisdom teeth out. Like, set an alarm in your phone to call and make the appointment next time they are open, for reals. I just got mine out a week ago and I cried with relief when they woke me up from the sedation.

    Pro tip: If you're working 80 hours a week and are unsure as to whether or not you will have enough money to eat in the near future, that's generally considered to be slavery. Indentured slavery. How bout you stop being a walking advertisement for your enslavers and trying to make other people feel shitty that they do

    That is so ridiculous. Most people cannot be an athlete as a job, no matter how hard they try, this really shouldn't even be on a list to pull from.

    You could eat before you go, and either order just an appetizer for less money than a meal, or even just a beverage even though you may look a bit funny, they're your family so they should be able to understand something like that. I know pops here are $3+ but that's better than $12+ for an entree.

    And I'm sure they can do the pregnancy test on the day of the procedure before giving out any medications or performing any surgery. Or get an approved pregnancy test from the woman's own local doctor.

    Sure, it would be fine. IF the women who had to drive across the state had the option of receiving the "counseling" by phone from her home, so that she did not have to miss three days of work for this law.

    Yeah I figured that was what you thought I was being awful about.

    Most provinces do not play O Canada every morning, just at assemblies or on remembrance day.

    Why would my ego be bigger because my school did not make students stand up and sing the national anthem every morning?

    Not all Canadians

    I'm guessing the "legitimate purpose" would be for harassing behavior. Like when our landlord called the cops on us for trying to serve him court documents and said it was harassment. No buddy, just open the door, take this package of paper we are legally obligated to hand you, and we will leave and never ever come

    Doesn't that make your rice taste like bay leaves though?

    I'm a couple and successfully dealt with Two Whole Chickens. (they were cheaper in pairs)

    Rice in bulk is great - if you have a way to "sanitize" it before you store it in airtight containers that you happen to have enough of to store it all in.

    All they need is the IP address of the baby monitor, viewed through a specific website that allows you to tap into it. There are probably more than one such website with that infrastructure by now.

    Everybody needs to stop picking on poor Avril. It must be hard when you've been cursed to age in reverse and people still expect you to put out music videos when the only idea you can come up with for a song is kitties and slumber parties!

    It's a nice name, I'm just a big fan of a person's name growing with them so I would totally call her Ellie as a child. Of course I'm hearing Elise as (Eh-leez) so that may be why I see it as being so fancy. I cannot currently think of a fancier name because now it's stuck in my brain as being The Fanciest. I totally

    At least if they want to seem more normal they can go by Kallie or Lisa(Close enough!)..Or Elise but that's pretty damn fancy a name for a kid.

    The tickets to mine were like $150 each themselves. I didn't go because I had no interest in going, but the ticket price alone would have stopped me.

    Should I feel proud that I willingly was fat on my wedding? I mean, I vaguely wish I didn't look pregnant in half the photos, but I perfectly avoided doing anything about it. It was due to laziness, but maybe I can pass it off as some ra-ra-feminism-woo thing? ;D