Voluntarily going to Thunder Bay is extremely fucked up.
Voluntarily going to Thunder Bay is extremely fucked up.
I went back and forth on this, but kerfluffle is increasingly used in the U.S. and is listed as an accepted variant of kerfuffle. So I’m sticking with what I’ve always said.
Where else are you gonna get 5 pin bowling? Thunder Bay has it all
Chill, Manito-brah.
Back in ‘87 I once saw The Winnipeg Kerfuffle open up for Dangerously Canadian at the Moosejaw Memorial Civic Center.
Technically, that photo is the skyline of Winnipeg, as well as nearby towns Headingley and Oak Bluff.
As a Minnesotan I have no absolutely zero beef with Winnipeg. The drinking age is 18 in Manitoba, and if you’re from Minnesota and DIDN’T make a trip up to Thunder Bay (or make the full haul to Winnipeg for a weekend), you weren’t livin’.
God damn, the Olympics get me JACKED THE FUCK UP for sporting events I otherwise never give a shit about, and I swear if this guy rolls in and ATTACKS the ice skating arena in Pyeongchang with “Turn Down for What,” I am going to throw my table through my window a fit of ragejoy.
+1 blue pill
Has anyone reached out to the Tequila Cowboy for comment or is Jerry Jones too busy to talk?
I hope she has to curtsy to Meghan once she’s married to Harry.
She knew exactly what the fuck she was doing.
Working on it
Now all we need is the article on all the things people shoved up their asses this year and 2017 will be complete!
After all the steroids, that inch is very valuable to him.
Because they think harassment isn’t real, that all of us women are being “too sensitive,” and that men being held to account is tantamount to oppression.
I’m confused as to how they turn this into a movie about Lynden Johnson’s wife, but I’m gonna stick it out to the end.