“The Village” is his best film in my eyes. Marketed entirely wrong -- it is a period-style drama, not a horror flick -- but wonderfully shot, scored and acted.
Don’t get me wrong, I agree with you, the problem is just that the American public is so god damn stupid. Just like how you mention the ACA: Americans support (and supported in 2010) the “ACA,” but when you start calling it Obamacare that support drops double digits.
Provided that happens, that’s going to jumpstart the hell out of Dallas’ rebuild. Next year, that team could be absolutely sick.
I ... uh ... who should I be rooting for here?
Because penis.
Can anyone else admit that he was a great QB? I feel like I’m alone on this train. All of my friends have forsaken me. My kids don’t respect me. My wife... well, she’s great, actually.
Or maybe those shots were just about ratcheting up the tension before Chase pulls the rug out from under the audience. Seriously this can all be explained by Chase wanting to troll the audience. The fact that he wanted no end credits and just a black screen is my smoking gun on the “Chase is trolling you all” theory.…
Am I the only one that thought that with Phil out of the way Tony went on to a happy productive future with his family and manages to evade any blow back from NY, prosecution for his many murders and a long respite for his health problems? Surely, I can’t be the only one? Fade to black can also be interpreted as “no…
Why not just let him fly around the stadium with a jet pack and call him the “Snot Rocket”?
He can be impeached by congress, there is precedent. However that would require a two-thirds supermajority in the Senate, which I mean... good luck.
Even if by some miracle the Democrats seize back enough control to pull this off, there is no guarantee that they have the will to go through with it. In the past,…
Am I totally wrong in thinking this movie spent about a decade in development purgatory? I thought I remembered it being announced with these two leads and Apatow producing in like 2008 or 09 a few months after the Ritchie/Downey Jr movie and then never heard anything about it for years until reports that they started…
It involves Ass-to-Ass..
The way the crowd started chanting for Foles as he was being checked on the sideline and erupted as he made his way back to the field was unreal. I’m not even a Philly fan, but that just hit me in the feels and made the FG drive one of those moments to witness.
genuinely can’t wait to hate watch this on edibles in the middle of the day and laugh like de niro in cape fear.
If it’s a necessity, why sign a pledge saying he wouldn’t do it? Lack of foresight isn’t a positive quality in a potential presidential candidate.