This show is still on?
This show is still on?
Well, the neat thing about recordings is they don’t die with the artist. You are free to explore them whenever you like. If radio doesn’t play them, try youtube or spotify
I like the running gag of father dying every three episodes
Holy smokes...good call
Hunter is gonna reprogram Father back into "Father"
This show is boring as fuck
There's some jingle repeatedly autoplaying in the background. It plays over the audio of the video clips too. How do I stop it? I can't find an ad playing anywhere
Can you do that for me?
Can you do that for me?
LOL. Same
Rachel and Harvey are redundant characters. Should’ve never been a Rachel and introduced Harvey in Batman Begins. Bruce looks at Harvey as his way out of a life of crime fighting. Harvey’s downfall would be that much more tragic to Bruce.
Another problem you can lay at the feet of the prequels. There were way too many Jedi and they had too much power & influence. Should have been 100 tops, maybe. And they wore more akin to missionaries.
She is perfect for this show and seems to be enjoying herself
Spot on. And, actually, that should have been a part of Anakin's inspiration to turn. What good is the republic to him if Tattoine is some backwater shithole? Lot's of talk of "power" and "restoring order" in the OT.
So are Laurie & Looking Glass gonna turn themselves in for helping with the squid attack that killed at least 1 person (but likely a few police officers) and caused 5 blocks of property destruction?
Last Blood seems like it was written by three different people in three different rooms and their scripts were thrown in the air and cobbled together as one script. There’s so many times they mention or allude to something only for it to be completely dropped and never brought up again.
No, that would be Washington
Good. This is one of the funniest shows on TV.
It's gonna be fucking hilarious when the footage of Rey isn't in the film and just used to juice the sizzle reel like the Rogue One trailer