
Juvenile is the Cash Money Craig Mack

Dana White looks like a baked potato left in a microwave too long

Article needs pics of ridiculous clothes ridiculously priced

The reason he is GOAT is because if you were drafting a Jeopardy team, he'd be the first pick

In regards to Essos, I got a feeling Daario's head gets sent to Danny in a box signifying her kingdom has fallen, all her previous deeds were for naught, and she's pretty much stuck in Westeros

He’s gonna break his vow to follow her and she will execute him for it.

In the sixth, he threw a big, hard left uppercut directly into Khan’s nuts.”

Cue Crying Game song

Hands down the funniest episode of the series

AI used to call him "Black Beauty". Perfect nickname. The man would glisten after games and had the best beard

Coming off a big win against against a heated rival who usually eats our lunch...people are gonna say things


Banker's Club vodka & Orange Jubilee Mad Dog

Can’t Congress technichally override the Presidents veto? I know it's alot to ask from Republicans but if Trump won't budge and Dems shouldn't budge, they could step up if only for this one time

I never liked R Kelley. Dude straight stole Aaron Hall’s persona

This is a ranking of the shiniest turd as all these seasons are varying degrees of bad

I hope wikipedia sues him 

They always call my bluff and I have to cave because my girlfriend works from home

I think part of the reason he wants a wall so bad is because it’s a tangible legacy. After he’s gone, the wall will stand. That’s important to dipshit fuckwit like him

Teams have car services for players that they don’t trust. You think they’re gonna trust a team’s therapist?