I just have one at the foot of my bed so I can wake up to the smell of bacon cooking. Only problem was that one time I accidentally grilled my foot.
I just have one at the foot of my bed so I can wake up to the smell of bacon cooking. Only problem was that one time I accidentally grilled my foot.
Thielen: That’s bullcrap!
Kid Rock only embraced this country/southern rock persona because his rap/hip hop music was complete fucking garbage that was widely rejected by fans of the genre.
I’ll give props to any Raiders fan who creates a custom jersey with the name 2019 1ST RD PICK (VIA CHI)
Yeah, this was my issue as well.
You’d think Johnson would’ve learned to live with his aides by now.
Castlevania: Requiem was released last Thursday or Friday for $20. It includes Bloodlines and SotN. Both are software upscaled to 1080p and 4k pretty well. They do a good job looking like the Saturn versions on a giant screen without getting all blurry.
You sure about that?
That’s 50% of the joke I was making. Look up the term “paraprosdokian.”
So Pete Carroll will call a run on 4th and 8 from his own three-yard like, but he won’t accept the findings of the 9/11 Commission?
This is the kind of thing that’s destroying American values. It’s foot ball. If you’re on the field, brother I’m going to level you. Don’t suit up for some business meeting or some discussion in a hipster coffee shop. We are at war. Long snapper, short snapper, whipper snapper, you’re fair game. There was a time when…
To make things a little more clear: on NES Tetris, pieces almost instantly get stuck to the stack. You don’t have the long grace period of more recent Tetris games that allow you to slide the piece around on the stack. Also, the horizontal speed of the pieces when you hold a direction is very poor compared to the…
Completely agreed and extremely well put. For me, I realized it was really telling that this is only the third episode and reading this my reaction was already ‘Yeah, I get it. It’s not the book. Will you please just get over it?’
After four reviews, just... oh my freaking god, we get it. You read Shirley Jackson. You liked Shirley Jackson. You really wanted this to be the TV adaptation of Shirley Jackson. Can we please move on already?
I don’t know, I thought the use of the “twin thing” throughout the episode came to a devastating head when Luke realizes he’s not feeling phantom withdrawal, but is actually feeling his sister’s death. That genuinely, actually moved me. Those poor twins. I love them.
Thanks for saying that. I agree so much.
So far, all I understand from those review is the same thing “Why isn’t this like that book?” and “Did we really need an adaptation?”
Can we just review the serie for what it is, instead?
Yeah, I’m enjoying the show so far and never expected a completely faithful adaptation, so the repeated “why isn’t this like the book???” is getting old...
I’m beginning to think that the problem with these ‘binge’ reviews is that they don’t give the reviewer time to move on from their initial impression (also they get knocked off the front page too quickly, but that’s a different issue.) In this case, we’ve got three consecutive reviews of “this isn’t like the book. I…