Where the Giants screwed up was not trading back into the first round to get Lamar Jackson. Barkley is a generational player that with even a below average QB will be part of an offense that can put points on the board.
Where the Giants screwed up was not trading back into the first round to get Lamar Jackson. Barkley is a generational player that with even a below average QB will be part of an offense that can put points on the board.
I’m glad they got out.
They’re so hung up on the flying thing. Many people, including myself, are afraid of flying, but do it anyway. Sometimes I can psych myself up for it. Usually, though, I get half-Kavanaughed before I board the plane.
1) Yesterday was not a trial. It was a job interview for one of the most exclusive and prestigious jobs in America. The burden of proof is only and entirely on the applicant to demonstrate he’s the absolute best person for the job. “Innocent until proven guilty” doesn’t apply. You don’t know what the fuck you’re…
It would not have happened. You’re forgetting Hillary would have faced a GOP-controlled Congress that would be out for blood.
Because a large portion of the voting populous is just as, if not more, stupid. And fucking dumb as he may be, and as much as I hate him, he’s been a somewhat successful con-man, targeting specifically those same people, over the last number of decades.
The Feast of Saint Monday is a legit religious holiday.
Fifty bucks says someone in the AV offices stumbled across this photo in yesterday just before quitting time and its mere existence willed this article into being.
Or the Colts figured they should put Jacoby Brissett in there for a low percentage play that requires chucking the ball 70 yards. Not because they don't trust Luck's shoulder, but because Brissett has a cannon and there is absolutely zero finesse required for the play.
You seem to have missed the huge detail that Nan’s future grandson is the guy who crashed into Annie’s car (it also explains his middle name - she said it is going to be ‘Fuck you Nan’ i.e. F.U.N.)
A bit cynical, this review. Lots of air quotes.
That’s similar to my take: I’ve always said that they should have split TDK into two movies, with a Joker-dominated first movie, and then a Two Face-centric second installment released six months or a year after. End the first film basically with the Joker escaping and Rachel dying. I think the first half of TDK is…
“This kids franchise doesn’t have enough moral ambiguity for me, and these heroes that everyone loves so much need to be brought down a peg or two.”
I will never cease to be amazed at how much damage Rian Johnson did to Star Wars. It’s mind-bogging that just one person could basically derail the biggest franchise in pop culture history.
I don’t see Bitties in the BK Lounge? Minor outrage.
Hot take, but they are right to ban this kind of play. With the targeting rules as they are in the NCAA, players are (as they should be) gun-shy about clobbering a dude just standing there defenseless. Hell, it might even be a personal foul even if it’s a live play -- the refs could just say he had given himself up.
My brain refuses to comprehend the repeated sleights against Castlevania 2. Simon’s Quest has its issues, no argument, but it was great and innovative for its time and I remember with fondness the hours I sunk into puzzling it out.
poor cap management in that photo too
Read the article. Barnwell anticipates and debunks your entire comment.