
So this must be the fashion version of justifying the Alex Smith contract.

I don’t know what to tell you man. Sometimes you have a bag of meat and you just want to eat it.

Can we please stop with the Serena worship? She’s a titan of tennis, a superb athlete, but she’s not without flaws, without her faults. She’s petulant, and this isn’t the first or worst instance of abusing an official in her career.

there were roughly 12 intense minutes in eight episodes. People staring at each other and drinking is not intense.


I would assume they’re referring more to the fact that he didn’t win the job out of training camp, but showed out quite well in the games before the injury, which is not a set of circumstances that lends itself to easy historical comparisons.

The Jay Gruden era has been arguably the most steady, stable, east drama-filled era for this team since Snyder took over. And it has included the coach publicly feuding and humiliating one franchise QB, the franchise alienating another franchise QB, and slamming a decent GM on his way out the door for his struggles

I don’t know if this is the case for every cable service, but I can talk into my remote and find something.  Also, there’s Google.  This is as dumb as saying “Why is it so hard for me to find the score of the game last night?!”

For whatever reason his career has gone by really quickly to me, as it’s fallen in that window of me not being in college and not wanting to admit I’m middle aged. It’s been 14 seasons, but I would swear it’s only 8 or 9.

I love fun baseball. If any other pitcher in the league ushered a hitter back to the dugout after a strikeout, ESPN would have to start another network for pea-brain talk radio rejects to inventory the sins.

If Johnny keeps sucking like this he’s going to be sent back down to the Browns.

Yep, I get the whole punching up, punching down thing, but, and there always is one isn’t there, a line does have to be drawn. I mean, heck, white people are soon going to be a minority in the US anyway so how about we stamp down on racism now instead of waiting a couple of years.
Let’s be fair here, you can call it

which is a different thing that is not racism

Are those “jokes”? It’s hard to tell because NONE OF THEM ARE FUNNY.

It would have been helpful to include a comparison to the pay rates being offered to other bloggers, like, perhaps, the current policy at Deadpsin (and sibling sites). Does the framework compare, like a per post pay scale? Or is that unique to the sites being referenced? Presenting this without industry context doesn’t

He’s a great dude, but the fake Guy Fieri menu is also the funniest thing I’ve ever read.

I said to myself I would watch half of this season and if it was crap I would stop watching. After this week’s episode, I can say with absolute certainty and no regret that I am out. This show is not only a slogging bore of the ages, it’s utterly predictable. A combination of such traits is what defines bad

You kinda buried the lede here, since you don’t mention the union until the last line. That’s what the PA is there for & I would 100% support the players striking until they get guaranteed contracts. I know a lot of the FOOTBAW mouthbreathers out there (like that idiot tweeting at Jones) would lose their goddamn

Really sorry your mom’s face blew up.

Okay, I have free time. Tekashi69 is a rapper who came up with Trippie Redd, a couple others, and producers like Pierre.