It sometimes feels as though this column is uniquely devoted to making fun of Baseball for having unwritten rules combined with a frank and honest discussion about the unwritten rules of air travel and using the shitter.
It sometimes feels as though this column is uniquely devoted to making fun of Baseball for having unwritten rules combined with a frank and honest discussion about the unwritten rules of air travel and using the shitter.
Unfamiliar with him, I attempted to watch his new netflix special. I spent 10 minutes wondering how they transported a 40's era actor from the set of a screwball comedy and onto the current day stage of Radio City Music Hall...and then just turned it off.
What makes it, relatively speaking, a wasted pick is that the slotted contract Barkley receives will already have him easily in the top 5 at the position, probably closer to no. 2 or 3. The whole benefit of drafting a “generational” talent near the top of the first round is derived from vastly underpaying that player…
Pretty god damned great.
Why wasn’t Deadspin (and specifically, you Diana) able to find Ms. Ennis’ incident from 2011? Don’t you do simple searches of the people you write about before publishing?
“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”
To be fair, I thought this was hilarious and saw the special, but Mulvaney SHOULD have changed the guys name. This is why you do not reference real people in an act. Making fun of someone who is not famous is punching down and is rather mean, unless the person gives you permission first. He is lucky the gentle teasing…
The point isn’t “ah ha, if you go to this courtroom and down to the display department in the cellar with a flashlight and there are no stairs you can find the record in a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying ‘beware of the leopard’”, it’s that via Nexis you can conduct…
While not that far removed from a gutting game and series loss (both of which seemed so winnable), I’m not bitter. On the contrary, I was happy to see the Sixers go as far as they did. They never gave up in Game 5, but the hole they dug was just a bit too deep. I’m not going to make excuses for why they couldn’t beat…
The Super Bowl this February brought me a blissful sports existence that I had never known. I was actually happy for once. I didn’t have an intense hatred of all opposing teams, players, and fans (especially Boston) and I figured that the Super Bowl had done the trick. It seemed to actually work. One Super Bowl and my…
No, we did not all think that was fine.
this residential neighborhood wouldn’t take kindly to a noisy ruckus or loud horsing off
I came here specifically to find the person who would say this.
No mention of F. F. Woodycooks and The Crime Stick?
I’m just worried about poor Korg and Miek.
Here’s the full joke, since you can’t be bothered to google it:
Trump’s terms for women: ‘fat pigs,’ ‘dogs,’ ‘slobs,’ ‘disgusting animals.’
Megyn Kelly questioned Trump... In response (in a national interview) he said there was “blood coming out of her wherever.”
Trump described Carly Fiorina’s prospects for the Presidency: “Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that? Can you…