
“This is an utterly heinous film, even by the late Garry Marshall’s standards”

In fairness there are a dozen cellphones in my house right now. They’re between 1 and 18 years old. I can’t just throw them away. It’s one of those things that I should do, but can’t bring myself to do. What can I say, I’m a tech junkie.

Wakanda Forever.

He’s not even #1 in boxing for old dudes. That distinction goes to Bernard Hopkins, who retired at age 51.

You’re right, everything from here is pretty much gravy. What’s your point exactly?

If this is the best you can do, then damn Sixers fans have already won.

Now that’s some offensive rebounding!

I’m spelling all this stuff out in detail because the details are there, and the material is designed to withstand this kind of scrutiny. The Terror could be coasting on survival-horror staples and period-prestige clichés. Instead, it’s using these extraordinary circumstances as a crucible for revealing character, not

Did people really like the Ronda match? I thought she was super stiff and she needs to find some shorts that fit better so she can stop playing with them through the entire match. I’m concerned anytime I see Kurt wrestle anymore and Stephanie also doesn’t need to be in there pretending to work. I just don’t think

Completely agree. Dennis always seems to focus WAY more on the “social justice” aspects of the episode each week, as opposed to the writing and, you know, whether it was actually funny.

come on. You knew this site wouldn’t give THIS episode a C-.

I turned this on about halfway through, forgetting it was airing and started at the firemen sketch.

Suffice to say, I didn’t bother watching the rest of the show. That was an awful sketch in every way imaginable.

This episode was an utter mess of half-baked ideas. The only exception being Black Jeopardy. Everything else was a waste of Boseman and this cast.

I came into this fully expecting at most a C-, and now I’m just baffled. Sketches seemed to be batting a .333 at max (dear god, why r. Kelly of all people; also, two casual “gypsy” drops in one episode? thought we were collectively over that one), with maybe 2 highs (black jeopardy was, as always, perfection, as was

Don’t be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood was the better film for me.

Blankman may be a worse movie all around but it is way funnier.

here’s me, feeling bad that a team with a shitty fanbase probably won’t have a chance this to win their eighteenth NBA title this year

Could Deadspin have been any more wrong about this team?