
A boat’s a boat, but a mystery box could be anything. It could even be a boat!

Hinkie made half a dozen trades that resulted in less picks and was interested in getting the best available player, but sure, stick to this convenient narrative.

mmm nope. Nice try though.

And yet, nothing even in that writer’s telling of the story indicates Hinkie thought he was brilliant for this. Hinkie probably said it with a laugh.

You can certainly hate it, but it’s not a McMansion. It was built in 1850! Maybe Churchill Downs is an homage to this house.

I’m not sure why this is being treated with skepticism. If he wanted Fultz...he would have taken Fultz. He didn’t, so he traded down. What’s so hard to understand?

There are not a whole lot of successful models to try to replicate, and all are equally outlandish. Let’s try the 2010 Heat model of clearing the entire cap sheet and throwing max contracts at the three best free agents in a historically great free agent class, one of whom is a top 5 all time player, and hope they all

it’s almost like ownership agreed to a 5-7 year plan!

And this is the valid criticism of the Process: that Hinkie sucked at drafting. If that was Deadspin’s argument it probably wouldn’t get much pushback. That isn’t, however, the criticism that Deadspin likes to push. Deadspin’s argument is that strategic losing is inherently a con hatched in the buzzword-addled Silicon

“The Sixers could become, in other words, exactly the kind of basketball team that Hinkie and his Process cultists viewed with contempt—a team with no plausible chance of contending for a championship in anything close to the near term, but one capable of game-to-game feistiness.”

Have any of you lived in/visited Pittsburgh and if so is it really as bad as the first impression I got while spending a week there

I dislike bread and butter. Anything else is good.

I’m sorry, does Fox has a shoe that’s almost $500? No. That’s why.

Well, they could have done nothing instead, like 95% of the other football programs.

Also, softest player/worst beard to ever win the NHL Finals MVP? Discuss.

The good news is that it’ll be remembered more for the referee blunder than for any of the actual hockey, which is what we want for our cherished sports memories.

Yet again the biggest shit heel team wins off of shitty calls.


Yeah I prefer it when they wipe the floor with the Clippers.

I’ll never forget the time Jody Watley got inside Greg Kite’s head in the ‘86 Finals. I mean at the time she hadn’t reached solo star status, but had some leftover fame from Shalamar.