
This is why I love when he has Klosterman on his podcast. Chuck will just let Bill ramble on and completely BS his way through some shit argument (like this past episode when he said that soundtracks prior to the movie Singles weren’t important, because Bill couldn’t remember any most likely) - and then Chuck just

We’re Phillies fans, we’ve been through worse. At least we’ve got the *checks Philadelphia sports landscape*... At least we’ve got alcohol!

Recite the National Anthem Backwards is the most bullshit “sobriety test” ever. I am stone cold sober, have had my morning coffee, and couldn’t do this with out singing it at least once forward, then backing it out from there.

I think reciting the alphabet backwards sober is kind of difficult. With even just a couple of beers in me I would say “fuck this shit.” I guess that’s point.

All the while being a whiny, fragile Brad Marchand with skills. /ducks

It waters down the specific “disrespecting the game” angle, yes. It’s also true he administers cheap shots while literally skating away from trouble. It’s not a stretch to say Crosby would be much less loathsome if he either faced the music, or administered fewer cheap shots.

He like a good pro-wrestling heel. The way he works the refs, the dirty stick work after the whistle, fun to watch, fun to hate. The league is certainly better with him in it

Really, Barry? You don’t get why some people (myself included) don’t like Sidney Crosby? He’s probably the dirtiest superstar to ever play the game. Maybe there’s a worse one, but I can’t think of one off the top of my head. I didn’t follow his junior career all that closely, so maybe he’s always been like this, or

I think I can appreciate Sidney being a great player and also despise him; these things are not mutually exclusive.

Why dislike Sidney Crosby? Because he’s a cheapshotting bitch who never stands up for himself, but runs and hides 100% of the time. He disrespects the game and his own skill when he does that.

He is literally everything the GOP claims to hate.

God bless and keep Robin Harris. “Get the fuck out of my way. It’s Miller Time, goddammit. Old moose-head fuckers tell ME what to do.”

Kobe Bryant, Dwanye Wade, Alonzo Mourning, Rick Fox, Derek Fisher... Charles Barkley is just remembering some guys!

They’ve basically turned into the older dudes (Frankie Faison/Robin Harris) fanning themselves in Do The Right Thing. “Motherfucker, you’re thirty cents away from a quarter! How the fuck you gonna buy a boat?”

9 years later and Lidge still keeps his perfect Save streak going.

Patrick, you’re my favorite Deadspin writer. But headline fail when you also write:

Can we please stop with this horseshit?

That’s what the WSJ already reported tho. And he didn’t really confirm anything. He just says he didn’t mention it, which means absolutely nothing. Obviously he’s shady and a known liar, but he didn’t say “it was Israeli intel.” which would be confirmation.

What a loaded headline. This is a tone-deaf comparison. From what I see, he didn’t directly compare a racial group (or representatives therein) to monkeys, but cited an old psych study that used monkeys. Big difference. Very clickbaity.