
It’s a good point, but I disagree entirely that his ravings about 3M-5M people voted illegally are not extremely important. They are very important. His and others’ similar claims are going to be the basis for every state controlled by a republican state government (a supermajority of them) to enact strict voter ID,

The real reason there are so many fans in the arena tonight?

If someone came to your house and camped in your front yard and screamed all day and night about how bad you are, you would want to correct the record somehow. Right?

*puts on tin foil hat*

I think they should get all of the Mikes they can. Mike Lupica, Mike Francesa, Mike Wise, Mike Wilbon, Mike Tyson. Just get them all in the same studio, and call the show What You Deserve For Listening to Sports Radio.

God...I haven’t been this concerned since Hootie left the Blowfish.

This type of reporting is just downright irresponsible.

Omg the gradual transformation from woman, to woman with feathers, to bird woman, to straight up live ostrich made me shit myself with laughter.

I know, I know. Everything on this list is wrong. Frank’s Brother is the worst episode.

Not to mention, why the hell is The D.E.N.N.I.S. System so low?! And Charlie Goes America All Over Everybody’s Ass. ROCK FLAG & EAGLE!!!!!!!!

Now playing

No way...Who got Dee Pregnant HAS to be in the top 10. This scene alone:

The Gang Gives Frank an Intervention isn’t even top 100?!? INTERVENTION! INTERVENTION!

Chardee MacDennis isn’t top 5?!

The Gang Gives Frank an Intervention being ranked 115 immediately invalidates the rest of this list.

Dumb, out of work, Rust Belt Whites, both men and women, with no opportunities and the inability to go back to school (money, age, interest, intellect) bought some snake oil bigly.
They were also led to believe that Syrians fleeing civil war, Illegalz, and “socialists” like Obama are the reason that their wages have’s just what he believes. He’s entitled to that.

And here I was believing his insisting he be called Adam wasn’t just some token and empty gesture, and was the thing that was going to show the world he’d learned his lesson and what a mature and responsible person he had become.

An anecdote being proven or disproven doesn’t change what’s really going on.

button down collar with a skinny tie and an ill-fitting black suit: zero throwgasms.