
But Anakin literally says “From my point of view, the Jedi are evil.”
This was after he’d already killed the kids and gone full bad guy.
If he was going to embrace the dark side, he should have just done it. There was no need for him to attempt moral relativism.
Moreover, he should have known all that “the dark side

This was the first time you got to see Vader be truly terrifying as well. Holy shit that walk down the hallway!

It’s pointless to say. This time last year everybody was creaming their pants over Ep. 7, and then we all underwent the change, and now 7 might be the worst episode of all of them, and it was fine. It wasn’t great. It didn’t suck. Yes, it borrowed heavily, but all we said after the prequels was “WHY DON’T THEY MAKE A

First Act’s a bit Jumpy, some of the CGI’s a bit dogey in specific spots and we really didn’t get enough time with all the characters. That said I place it along with TFA which I consider on the Level of an OT film.

Wait was I the only one who expected them all to die?

It wasn’t that good. For a movie that was just over 2 hours long, you’d think they could’ve fit in some character development. Especially if they wanted us to care when they killed those characters off. And CGI Tarkin had way too much screen time. Less Tarkin and more Vader would’ve been my choice

It depends. The third act was maybe the best anything Star Wars has ever done. But act 2 was a mess in need of MAJOR rewriting. And act 1 was not very good either.

The funny thing is the movie is missing scenes from the trailers.

Really with the exception of Mon Mothama, none of the old characters felt right. I think I’m about where you are: good movie with some glaring flaws.

I think I liked it. I’m sure everybody is going to tell me it sucked in a few months though.

I thought the movie was solid. Not as great as some people think. Seems like people WANT it to be great. It just isn’t. It is very good though. A little dull in parts, but it contains maybe the best space battle in a Star Wars movie, yet. Great special effects in the battle. The last 10 minutes were spectacular.

The point isn’t necessarily that Rick Perry is unqualified—he is unqualified (for this and pretty much any other line of work more demanding than filling soft drink cups at a multiplex snack counter), but the appointment of unqualified party hacks to cabinet positions is just about the oldest tradition in American

Are there any other details other than he shot the guy? I’ve looked high and low and nothing is really very concrete. Did he stand over him and say “That’s what happens when you fuck with me”, did he not? Was there an altercation preceding this incident? What is their relationship, if any, outside of this shooting? I

Floyd Mayweather wins by knockout with complete ease. Go watch the video of Macgregor sparring with Chris Van Heerlow (a fighter who got destroyed by Errol Spence). His footwork is terrible, his punches are slow and predictable, his lateral movement is non-existant, his combinations are dull, he gives no angles. He

We call them hoagies in Philadelphia. Not heroes.

Those are interpreter notes given to the Pakistani PM, not direct words from Trump...

Look, I’m as mad/scared/upset/irate/confused/disappointed/whatever about Trump being elected as anyone else, but I don’t see the story here. Empty platitudes between two politicians in a poorly edited/translated/reedited summary of an informal conversation doesn’t even make the top 1000 or so things we have to be

I bet a couple guys were talking about what an idiot JR is, and Terry got the idea, and was like “guys, guys, want to see what an idiot he is? this shit!”

Kris Kobach is a man with a PhD from Oxford and a JD from Yale. He’s not dumb enough to think voter fraud is a thing; he’s smart enough to know he can trick people into thinking that voter fraud is a thing so he can kneecap his political opposition.