
I understand your frustration, but you cannot use this kind of thinking. It’s the exact thing that both sides have been accusing each other of, and by doing so, you make their accusations true. If you make 10 arguments, all of them moral and correct, except one includes an falsehood that you knowingly put in to push

Can you at least give credit to the commenter in the previous article that mentioned Pseudobulbar effect?

Fair assessment. Like you said, controlling distance is going to be THE key for both fighters. We’re going to see both Kov and Ward trying to dictate when and where they engage via the jab. Ward’s going to look to slip Kovalev’s probing jab and dig up in his chest. Kovalev can’t get overzealous and can’t fall in love

Simmons is where he is not because of talent, but because he was there first. He was the first guy to toss in a hefty does of homerism, and pop culture references when writing about sports, and people ate it up. He was a half step ahead of blogs, and if he hadn’t done it, somebody else was right behind him.


Fuck Mike Stoops. That’s absolutely despicable. I don’t care if Walker flipped two birds and grabbed his balls on the way out: For Stoops to throw Walker under the bus is atrocious.

That attitude? That snarky snap judgment you just goosed up there on response to thoughtful and, frankly, good, practical advice? Based on nothing other than the writer’s previous previous fucking employer?

It wasn’t racism that won Trump the White House though, it was the fact that he promised solutions to the shitty situation in the Midwest. Are his solutions good ones or likely to be effective? No, but dismissing the people that voted him as white racists is burying your head in the sand. People in the rust belt

No, not altering policy, but not immediately playing the sexist, racist, homophobic, etc cards when people disagree with them.

Dems need to scale way back on the identity politics. Like way, way, way back.

There’s no one to rally against.

Here’s the dates of every election coming up the next two years, along with filing dates should anyone here decided to run.

All of these talking points that you’re regurgitating are coming from the same idiots who predicted he wouldn’t make it out of the primaries and would get slaughtered in the general. They don’t know what they’re talking about...

Why is deportation of ILLEGAL immigrants a bad thing? Also, Obama has deported more people than Bush did. Hillary campaigned on building a wall in 2008.

This is an error in logic. All white supremacists support Trump is not the same as all Trump supporters are white supremacists. Note: I am not a supporter of Trump, but feel strongly about logic.  

All im saying is just because the KKK and any other group voted for the same person doesnt mean much.

My coping mechanism so far: The “forgotten man” line in his acceptance speech was oddly powerful. He was elected by the working class. If you travel outside of your whole food serviced areas, most of their small town and cities that aren’t near ski areas or aren’t close enough to urban areas to become bedroom

You claiming that “white people’s interests” are to fuck over Black and Hispanic is incredibly more prejudice than anything Trump has said over the last year. Keep blaming white people if you want but that’s the reason we’re stuck with President Trump.

Trump won with fewer votes than Romney and McCain lost with. Trump didn’t do anything special, he didn’t bring out more people than usual, he didn’t ignite some widespread political fire that burned gloriously into the night as the country watched in astonishment. He performed like any other Republican in recent times

Tom I really hate to say it but there are as many hidden lies in this piece (to make it fit your agenda, of course, like the comment about gun stocks) as there were in the Trump campaign. I don’t think you (or any of the far-left media, really) understand that you’re quite responsible for the result of the election.

So help me understand...