
And the whole epi-pen debacle is also completely rediculous from a business standpoint.

Don’t be obtuse. The ONLY reason this statement is getting blasted is because Trump said it. Instead of sending the production of old cars to mexico, why not keep them here AND add additional jobs and manufacturing for the new models here. The population isn’t getting any smaller.

And this article is doing the former. I’m not denying that the media inserts narratives into snapshots taken out of context, but doing the exact same thing seems to be a weird way of complaining about it.

Not to mention how absurd it into rail against the media for a perceived misrepresentation of an event through an article with a ridiculously click baity title that engages in the same types of assumptions and baseless narratives as the accused.

But it literally happened. She could have shaken his hand, she could have just touched a shoulder, but she embraced him. Trying to read into the quality of the embrace or what expressions on her face indicate whatever feelings she had is, to me, pointless.

Its really hard for people with mental imbalances and below-average emotional intelligence to understand that people are not all evil and not all good. Jordan Sargent, we are all rooting for you in your continued fight against your obviously severe mental handicap.

I’m not sure if this is earnest or not, but I feel like this is pretty dumb. Who knows what was possibly going through her mind? Who knows how she feels about Bush? Basing conjecture on a two second snippet from a public event just seems unnecessary to me. What is even the point of this post?

Hillary’s coasting mode in August was not good

It’s amazing how the media has whipped up a horse race JUST IN TIME for the debates, this has to be perhaps the most coincidental set of circumstances of all time! 

Teams often carry three centers. Especially when one of them is on a minutes restriction.

Our media establishment exists mostly to get eyeballs on ads.

Still The Man.

You’re just mad you don’t feel the vibrations any longer....

As a former Charlotte resident this is sad, always such an easygoing town. However I fail to see how a black officer shooting a black citizen prompts the beating of a white man in a parking garage and a call for a ban on white businesses. The protesters are determined to make this a racial issues and reinforce the

So which QB is Bruce Willis?

“Revis was expecting safety help here, but watch his five-yard cushion disappear within 20 yards (and just nine strides by Green) and turn into serious separation that would have looked even worse had Dalton not underthrown the ball.”

I prefer boxing. Sorry.

Ok, I get working to crop out the arena stuff, but did no one in the graphics dept or at the campaign notice the texas state flag? Or did they think it was some patriotic banner?

Once again Patrick you buried the lead. Panthers are the best undefeated team in the NFL right now.

Ray Guy.