
Richaun Holmes > Nerlens Noel

Live in Philly. Have been to bars that give your card back to you when you open a tab. Actually, I’ve never had a bar keep my card for tab

I thought he took out Zsasz too but scenes from next week showed him very much alive(if I’m not mistaken). I found this confusing

“Then, they maneuvered up to draft Carson Wentz, who wound up winning the job in camp”

Wentz got hurt in the 4th quarter of the first preseason game(the only time a top 10 QB pick has played that late in a preseason game) and missed the remainder of the preseason. He only got the job because Bridgewater’s freak injury

Sweetchuck looking motherfucker

I can’t believe the crowd size at these events

“the current plan is to continue to test Mr. Alvarez so that the Nevada State Athletic Commission can make a final determination.”

Well, that was part of the process. Stockpile draft picks for young, cheap labor. Keep salaries low so you can sign marquee free agents


Maybe he was talking about his own players

You can see Embiid shake his head at Saric like, “You shouldn’t have done that.”

There’s actual idiots on sportstalk and my newsfeed poo poo’ing this. GTFOH. We don’t deserve nice things

I could make the case for two: fuck yeah

Oh yeah. What happens?

Wait, how is Harris shady for giving a loan? Kushner used his privilege to acquire one. He seems like the shady one

I always wondered how long after ESB did ROTJ take place and what did Luke do during that time? How did he complete his training? Why didn’t he return to Yoda?

[Squints] Is that a travel?

The Beibs

You haven’t rode the bus in a decade have you, Drew?