
Can we get Dwight Howard, Melo, and Rose on a team together? Chime in to fill out the roster

Jesus Christ! At no point was Clement open on that 2nd wheel route. In fact, he was double and about to be triple covered. Foles threaded a fucking needle right there

Or they could keep the team as is and be the favorite to win the title for the next 5 years

Damn. First Eddie Griffin, now Rasual. Couple of Roman high school greats from my era gone too soon

For how many years and how much money did they actually pay him?

In actuality, it’ll likely only be two years

But they’re going to build the headquarters anyway so why the tax break?

I think referring to “Holding” as “Bad Touch” would cut down on those penalties because no one wants to be accused of bad touch.

And Embiid is actually funny

“but when we come onto the field, we’re here to play football.”

Okay, so how about ditching the anthem then?

Bump N Jump

Maniac Mansion

Nobody takes 20 years to relieve stress. Especially not Pee Wee Herman looking dudes for molesting kids

We have two! It’s these pesky Super Bowls we’re lacking

I could be(probably am) wrong but franchising him doesn’t necessarily mean you have him for one year at the inflated rate. It gives you the right to negotiate a longer term deal until July. If no deal by then, you got him for the year $25 mill. The Pats could’ve negotiated a longer term with $25 mill in bonus money,

Or Deadspin

Please stop writing about this guy

Dude is lining his pockets and trying to start a dynasty. Ivanka will eventually run, probably Baron someday too


When you need books to explain stuff you forgot or didnt have time for in a movie, you’re making a mistake writing your movie