
Is Adam Silver gonna force a GM on them?

I hope he doesn’t fall to the Sixers. He looks like a pubescent Drake. I cant stand to look at him everyday

Not an MMA fan but it seems like there is no one guy at heavyweight and anyone can win the title. That’s kind of exciting. You should be pumping the “anything can happen” aspect rather than trying to put all your eggs in one basket.

Ohmygod, I can’t believe you wrote so much about a farce of a fight. Even the Chavez Sr fights vs DLH were a farce

It’s good the interviewer called him out on it. Oh wait...


Garlic press.

If you’re strolling in to work late, you should’ve grabbed breakfast on the way in. Once you’re late, you’re late. Might as well be well fed

It’s great because neither team gets better

“AB showed enough promise early on to warrant some legitimate praise. Also, his style is flashy, he is Floyd affiliated, talked a tremendous game, and did a bunch of ostentatious shit. So of course he’s goingn to receive disproportionate coverage. Now, yes, he hasn’t lived up to the hype, but he’s still a

That’s what I said while watching the game. The Pacers shouldn’t even show up for game 4. Nobody will blame them

You? George Mason qualified in Dayton and Florida Gulf Coast qualified in Philly

Beaver rebound!

Now playing

Honorable Mention for Cinematic Siblings: The Stork Twins

Unless you’re driving a sports car or selling drugs in the 90's and have illegal tint, red is one of the worst colors for a car; followed by white and tan(covered by Louis CK in his latest special)

Its the kind of stat deadspin would make fun of Simmons for using

I wonder if the league will force a GM on them

It was Max

When Sosa put his hand up after Loma’s matador move, I initially thought, “Is he...trying to give him the finger...wearing giant mittens?!?”

“The one-two of physical and emotional pain infliction peaked just before the end of the 8th round, when Lomachenko hit Sosa with a savage left to the gut, then grabbed his own stomach and imitated a man who’d, well, just taken a savage left to the gut”

Which Max Kellerman mistakenly thought was a show of empathy