
That theory was first written in the comment section of the AV Clubs review of the episode. Sort by best comment and it’s the first one

Just gonna conveniently leave out voter suppression, huh?

Stuck with the article for a Jolly Rodgers reference. Left disappointed

Korver looks like someone turning into a Lost Boy midtransition

Nobody is gonna trade a 1st rd pick for a 2nd rd no matter how far off it is

Excuse me

Fighters can get old overnight. Coupled with being 51 freaking years old and coming off a 2 year layoff(and beating), you got a recipe for disaster.

According to former trainer, Nazir Richardson, Hopkins was sparring and getting touched with everything. Had he been in camp, he would’ve told Hopkins to call off the

Trump, himself, said this on his victory tour. There’s video of it and all

Despite all logic and reason, I like that goddamn song and it’s not Christmas until I hear it. I’ll see myself out

The prequels need a reboot. Anakin’s turn has to be a mix of having a fucked up upbringing on the slum of Tattooine which contributed to a feeling of helplessness and need to obtain power and bring order to things, jealousy of Obi-Wan, a feeling the jedi were holding him back, and just becoming a kick ass warrior and

Imagine how sad they’ll be when they’re told they cant go see a movie they were looking forward to

The lights go off...THEN YOU HEAR THE BREATHING...then the red sabee ignites.

I find your lack of faith...disturbing

K2 getting it was the only death that jad any emotional impact for me

I’m surprised you’re suprised they all died. They’re never to be seen again in the remaining films. I know that can be explained away but all them getting merked definitely should’ve been on your radar.

Worth it just for the Vader scene at the end. Like a fucking horror movie

It wasn’t bad.

I didn’t really feel any attachment to the characters though, which brings up the question: Why tell this story? We know the end result going in. And if you’re not going to the job of giving the characters...uh, character, and have the audience connect emotionally, what’s the point?

As an outer space war

Not surprised

It wouldn’t surprise me if Trump had no idea of the nuclear responsibilities of the position. We’re talking about this guy:

How about folks wait for the facts to come out before breaking out their Jump to Conclusions mat, ok?