
Detectives didn’t find the witness to be credible. Also, I think all three shell casings were found in the shooters car. So that doesn’t really line up with what the witness said. And from the location of the bullet wounds, It appears McKnight was leaning into the shooters passenger window

“I’m putting the full highlight reel from LeBron James’s 26-10-13 beatdown of come from behind win against the Sixers in this post”

Fixed it for you

Was this meeting with the media on or off the record? If it was off the record, why did the media agree to it?

DVOA and DYAR do

Lamps didn’t hate Mayweather until he went to Showtime

“But I do salute them for trying something a little bit different, even if it failed miserably” Drew, in 2020, on Trump supporters

How is this different from libs calling any non hillary supporter a racist leading up to the election?

You will never get their vote with this attitude. you are part of the problem

My hope is the Democratic party gets their shit together and drops this hilier than thou rhetoric. Learn from this. Be better. Listen to people

And this website and comment section shouted “Racist” at those people instead explaining to them or urging the Dem party to address their issues

“But they did see a guy who was openly racist and say “yep my kind of guy” at best that means their attitude is I don’t give a fuck about you.”

No, they didn’t. They saw a guy that might get them a job, cut their taxes, and reduce the cost of their healthcare and were willing to look past his faults (like Dems did

Stop labeling them them and figure out how to put money in their pockets, food on their table, a job, and education, and make em feel safe

Read the comment section of any political post around these parts during the campaigns

Boom. This.

Please learn from it or we’ll be doomed to repeat it

And you will solve nothing because you are talking at them and not to them

No, you explain, Instead of dismissing people and calling them racists. This is a big reason why Hillary lost. And if you don’t fix this smug, holier than thou attitude, Trump is gonna get reelected

They don’t get it, do they?

Can you check in on Nate Silver next?

Yep. Writing this shit needs to stop: “white Americans decided that they want someone to crush everyone different from them; and white men decided they want someone to crush women”