
Nothing much to see but I am intrigued by the 3 titans shown in the ending. I wonder who they are.

Lol I was heading to that GIF; good thing I checked the pending comments!

I see Dee has crossed into Green Man territory...

Go on, someone post the damn Family Guy clip, you know you’re going to.

The real joke is that Microsoft owns Rare and it has to use games from another Era and on another Console to show that they used to be allowed to make great games.

As fun and cool as the gameplay looks, and as pleasantly surprised as I am that they’re going with a mixed-modern sci-fantasy, they could really seal the deal with me by showing off a slider that shuts the main character the fuck up.

White hair, check.

We’re not seriously still convinced she ever had more than five seconds of ‘fear of murder’ in the original, right?
While I really enjoyed the Tomb Raider reboot as a game, and even the story has its exciting moments near the end, the character story it tries to tell at the very beginning of the game is completely and

I’m getting a serious Bloodborne vibe off of this gameplay. That I am okay with since Bloodborne is the only Souls game I’ve ever completed and also really liked. I think I’ll get this one. Hopefully its on PC though. I kind of want to play it with my friends.

If you think most of the bosses in bloodborne look like werewolves, you didnt play very far into it. The bulk of the bosses are nightmarish alien beings.

My sentiments exactly. I hate the voice especially.

God damn. I had to check this out because Monster Hunter but no, no no no, I cannot get behind that protagonist. Annoying personality, stupid generic cool guy look complete with dumb headphones. Ugh. I’ll take the silent protagonists of Monster Hunter any day. It’s a shame cause gameplay wise it looks pretty

Main character seems like a real asshole.

he’s so annoying...

Headphones, check

I think GTAV did the same thing. Like a month before the game came out they said the online would launch at a different date.

meh. That may have been true back in the late 90s/early 00s, but English dubs have improved tremendously since then. So much so that they’re usually my go to versions when I do watch anime.

Still looks good to me.

I just want to say: Han shot first.