Why do these pictures always look like some guy who works out gained 30 or 40 pounds and then lost it.
Why do these pictures always look like some guy who works out gained 30 or 40 pounds and then lost it.
Bayo 1's combat is actually better, but the set pieces and level design in Bayo 2 overall do blow the first game out of the water.
Bayonetta 1 wasn’t too bad in terms of getting all achievements.
Bayonetta is popular with drag show people actually...
Her breast are too large.
I mean the core combat is better in Bayo 1 but the set pieces and pacing in Bayo 2 blow the first game out of the water.
Hope she’s inspired enough to do a cover of one of the game’s original songs.
Don’t really understand how immortality fits in with the series. The ancients must have been really stupid.
Probably speaking common denominator, some people probably have never seen the word damphir before.
That’s actually Harold Tapes.
Now if only we can get a Castlevania game with as much love put into it.
So basically people trolled a naturally beautiful women into thinking she wasn’t naturally beautiful?
This is Martin Cochingco, a man able to take a bunch of ridiculously exaggerated video game animations and somehow recreate them in real life.
I would have preferred a new time of day setting that puts large puddles literally everywhere. But I doubt their engine could handle that.
What if Youtube never comes back...is this the end...
The last thing I wanted to here when revisiting these characters is that Rosanne dies. It was great seeing them all back together but this is something I just don’t want.
I mean everyone knew what kind of person she was and still tuned in to make the relaunch a massive success.
The game is beautiful, but it’s also sort of bland from a design standpoint