I don’t know why. Clearly the answer should have been finding the person who hates fighting games the most and have them do the review.
I don’t know why. Clearly the answer should have been finding the person who hates fighting games the most and have them do the review.
Given that Poki looks absurdly cute without makeup, why does she use it in the first place? To please the people that would complain about her without it? If so, why does she feel like she needs to please these people?
I don’t get it, really.
MK9's story mode revived that damn series.
I agree, I actually think spiderman would have been better if you got hurt diving from the top of a sky scraper. Obviously being a super hero I think the damage taken from a fall should be greatly reduced but once you’re empire state building height it kinda broke the immersion to neatly roll out of a head first…
Pete Davidson is an unfunny nothing. SNL sucks. Chevy Chase might be an ass, but he is correct that SNL has been bad for a really long time, and the present cast might well be the worst ever. It is time to cancel this dreck.
He’s basically right on everything here but I’ll go to bat for Christmas and Vegas Vacation, both of which came out after ‘83.
There aren’t any loot boxes homie
Clearly, you haven’t played any of his games.
Funnily enough, people noticed the song description described Dante as a “foul-mouthed antihero.” I think they got the wrong guy
Weird, DR3 was my least favorite of the series.
What a bummer. Dead Rising 2: Off the Record is such a spectacular game that really nailed what that franchise could do to stand out. Unfortunately they completely lost what made DR special by the time DR4 came out.
Living mouse will have mechanical n64 mouse parts... ‘installed’. You must beat the game before your mouse/mouse hybrid dies or the run doesn’t count.
Jesus. The Cyberpunk 2077 reddit is gonna be awash with morons next year, isn’t it.
Yea I’m not happy to hear it’s first person only. First person always ends up making me terribly motion sick within about 10-15 minutes of play time. Looks like another game I’d love to play but won’t be able to.
In better news, Jirard the Completionist managed to raise $60,000 to fight dementia, got Jamie Lee Curtis to wax his arms, AND he doesn’t have to complete Garfield Kart!
So....this reminds me alot of a FPS. I’m not sure on how to feel? It looks nice and exciting. Like a Deus Ex.
Hooray! In a shitty world in really shitty times, a show that managed to provide 20-something minutes of entertainment and escapism for millions of people around the world each week is finally ending! What a glorious day for people who don’t watch it to celebrate others no longer being able to watch something they…
When Jason writes his next book, I hope FFXIV gets its own chapter. The issues with 1.0 and the relaunch to 2.0 sounds like it will be a great read.
Is it just me or has everyone on Kotaku chosen to ignore all the new DMC5 stuff.