
And here we have a photograph of a Kojima Production staff getting around the office on a normal work day.

In japan, companies cannot fire you for something other indiscipline or bad behaviour. So, what they do is assign menial jobs to unwanted employees .

Sounds like konami took some notes from the La Li Lu Le Lo.

Venture Bros.

would really love to see an HD collection of the Onimusha games.

Resident Evil 2 with HD Leon’s hair?

And then ... he doesn’t say what happened.

I was thinking their facial expressions look like they should be swapped. Asuka is just staring blankly and Rei seems like she’s smirking. Maybe they’re trying to do insulting impressions of each other.

Seems like it’s Valkyrie profile esque :D

Oh jesus, not that guy again!

For decades, Lois Lane’s been the butt of jokes involving Superman’s double identity. A Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter who gets fooled by a pair of glasses? Come on, girl. This week, Lois puts it all together. And, yeah, she’s pissed.

Good news. Yuji Hori already said a few weeks back that it’s an offline game that ‘returns to the roots of the series’. Looks like the true sequel to DQ8!

Please be more like 8 and not 9 or 10!



speaking of, I would love to see the Michael Keaton version of the Joker.