I remember every time I got to a new town in DQ8 I would comb every inch of it, ransacking peoples homes.
I remember every time I got to a new town in DQ8 I would comb every inch of it, ransacking peoples homes.
I love the game. I think it came out when a lot of the generation of PS2 gamers where in collage or just out of school so it likely passed a lot of people up.
Dawn of Dreams was an excellent game.
With it coming out right before RE2remake I feel like a lot of people will end up over looking the game.
The game’s final boss was pretty great, he has enough tells so that you can beat it with out getting hit.
Wait this is real...
If you had kids you would know....
Is it weird to say that being in 3rd person actually increases the immersion for me. As I can see myself as that character in the world.
Just don’t go following those notes. You may end up in some hate water.
Yeah I didn’t really get into the Mist area grinding.
This guy did a pretty extensive history of FFXIV’s development history.
Have you tried joining in on the fun by making sexist jokes back at the male players?
I hate those little rechargeable batteries. The don’t hold a good change and changing them out is more of a hassle then just plugging the controller in with the cord every over night when I go to bed.
Horizon kinda lost my interest once I beat the game and the mystery behind the sci-fi side of the plot was solved.
Bulky add on.......ignoring the bulk the battery compartment adds to the X-Box One controller.
Except for the money you spend buying batteries lol.
Save yourself the money and buy a long charging cord....
Still can’t believe there’s a current gen controller out there that uses batteries.
Realistically about 30 hours.