
This is why I am terrified of getting sent to jail or having anything to do with the legal system. I am trans, and I transitioned almost 20 years ago. But, since I did not get any surgery, I would be put in with the men. I am not a man and never was, and being forced to live with men as a ‘man’ with the potential for

I’m actually pretty much in the same boat as you, here: if what he’s saying is true, that’s awesome that he stood up for his employee...but this is not how you do that. This is fucking crazy town. You can even be snarky at her without stooping to calling her a cunt. There’s not really a circumstance that makes that

Maybe she is allergic to red.

I have a friend that has something done called a “courtesy bite,” where you don’t have to eat the whole thing but you must take a bite or two to be nice. That way you get exposed to new foods which might actually be enjoyable and if not then you are least showing appreciation for the hard work it took for someone to

I would disagree, actually. If a 5-year-old is showing a proclivity for logic and reason, that should absolutely be encouraged. God knows there’s enough dumb, nonsensical people in the world; we don’t need more of them.

If he’s tried the sprouts and knows he doesn’t like them, he shouldn’t have to eat all of them. Let the poor kid have a little bodily autonomy. The trick to getting kids to try knew foods is to continuously offer them in low-pressure settings. Being a drill sergeant about it is just gonna make everyone dread mealtime.

My boyfriend had to break up with his awful, toxic parents a couple years ago, and my excellent mother died almost four years ago. We mostly just, like, drink mimosas on Mother’s Day. I will probably ask my cats to get me some flowers.

I’m the daughter of a 17-y-o typical Gen Xer. She thought she was right about everything (ah, teenagers), never grew out of that, and nothing is ever her fault, just circumstances. She’s not a bad mother, exactly, just... misguided. And 99% of the time will make the worst choice available. I lived with her until I was

i’ll drink to this! not everyone is cut out to shape the lives of other people.

Okay so thank you for this: this is the kind of thing that makes jezzie good. My mother is a clinical narcissist (not sure of the exact diagnosis name but basically her psychologist told me and then was just like okay peace out now). My whole life I’ve struggled with understanding why she would continually reject me

Thank you for posting this. Notice how her eyes shift away from her child? That’s my mother. Always looking to make sure appearances are proper. I walked away at age 16 and haven’t looked back. 25 years later I’m still dealing with all the messed up stuff my mother said/did to me. I still feel like a failure no matter

Thanks for this. It is so hard for people (like my husband) with toxic or otherwise unloving/unstable mothers (or fathers) because people always assume there’s something wrong with you or you’re not a nice person if you don’t speak to one of your parents. My poor husband’s mom is a monster. Like, for real. Growing up

The title alone made me cry. I needed this though. Thank you.

And a shout out to all those people that are trying against all odds to still make it work when everybody else wants them to get away.

Happy Mother’s Day y’all!

Thank you so much for this! I was taken away from my mother when I was a child due to serious neglect. The apartment we were living in was condemned. She left, didn’t even try to get me back or see me. No phone calls, nothing. Just left while I wondered why. I got that we weren’t living right, didn’t understand the

I was adopted as a baby, and emancipated at 14 from my second family for these reasons. I find this time of year especially hard and it’s always good to know I am not alone in this.

My dad had to do this with not just his mother, but his two toxic sisters too. After his dad died, he had no tie to his side of the family any more. I remember we were constantly either not talking to them or, when we were talking, we were fighting. 10 years ago he said he was 100% done, and hasn’t spoken to them

My mom tried to run me over with her car at Christmas and I have only spoken to her once since then. And somehow I feel like the piece of shit in this whole situation.