That happened to me too! Shit. The second time was way better (drugs) and my son’s massive head somehow fixed the terrible stitch job done previously.
That happened to me too! Shit. The second time was way better (drugs) and my son’s massive head somehow fixed the terrible stitch job done previously.
No birth is without magic - and I mean that for every living thing. Death is also magic.
Clearly you have not given birth.
I don't know about you guys, but when I was camping last fall, an ancient spirit entered my body while I slept. He was born in May. MAGIC! (Snaps fingers)
So it's okay for grown-up Rosie to do it?
well, it does matter, since the Colorado feeds wetlands. I realize I totally sound like a global warming denier, and I'm not - I just think that people are coming down way too hard on agriculture.
Wrong. Salinas Valley has always relied on the canal system - this is nothing new.
You must not be from California.
Yep, screw all those rich-ass farmers.
Not true. California is in drought, but they still aren't taking their full share from the Colorado River. There are two ways to talk about this: potable vs. non-potable water. It's the human need that is really pulling the resources down.
Thank you.
It's always been this way, give or take wet and dry periods. In fact, California never takes their full due from the Colorado River - they are legally allowed more but don't use it. The strain on water is really about drinking water - the ability to treat it and get it to people. The land is so expensive that no one…
Have you read John Steinbeck or John Muir? I’m sure you have. It hasn’t changed that much. The rainy season starts in November, summer is a desert.
There is no other place in America with the same climate and soils - it’s like the garden of Eden. Pistachios grown 15 miles from true muck fields - weather than is warm and predictable. Also, the farming infrastructure there, with the canal irrigation, is unbeatable, as much as people disagree on here.
And they supply the country with food - lots and lots of food, much of it exported too. The Central Valley is amazing - and damn huge.
Damnit, that’s a really sweet story. What a great friend. I have a HP story for you, Miss Cady #1 HP Fan. When the last book was coming out, my husband and I planned on going to the midnight bookstore opening to pick up our reserved copy. We were also...alcoholics. To get from the concert we were at to the bookstore,…
That's it! You are so right! I wish I could also edit my comment to include all lovers of cosmetics, regardless of gender.
My grandma used to use this awesome blueing shampoo for women with white hair - it's fantastic and violet and smells good. I don't know the name but it was at the grocery store in a purple bottle.