
I tell my clients to eat their cake and enjoy their mac and cheese because I work with the elderly and they can eat what they want.


There are a very small number of kids who actually do "regress" in that they lose their speech after about age 2. It's confusing and terrifying for parents. No one knows why this happens. But with the vast majority of autistic kids, they were always autistic, it's just hard to identify in infancy unless you are an

Duh! Rubella is natural!

My child shall only feed on pure energy.

Parents need to realize that your child being different isnt the worst thing in the world. My wife is a Special Education teacher and deals with autistic students all day, some of which very severe.

Thank you for posting this! I had a hard time finding it a couple weeks ago when the story broke. I'm an RD and I wanted to share it with my colleagues.

I'm confused about why it's called bone broth. I have been making broth with discarded chicken bits for...ever. Now it's suddenly this magical "bone broth".

I am honestly so fucking sick of everyone acting like Autism is the ultimate evil. It is a (usually) fairly mild neurodevelopmental disorder. I realize that it isnt always easy, but that doesnt mean that people within the autism spectrem arent still people and are plenty able to go living happy, functional lives. It

"too many chemicals,"

ding ding ding!

Stabbing someone at a diner is the equivalent of breaking a bottle of champagne across the bow of a ship. You're not properly open for business until bloods been shed. #Jerseystrong

bae stands for "before all else", at least as I've heard tell. It's why I find it such a truly nauseating word.

Yes, isn't it so surprising?

Ha haaaa. That was my exact reaction as well. I was also scrolling thru to see if anyone would enlighten me.

The only good to come from "thot" is vines of bird walking, set to Thot Walk. I laugh every dang time.

Now playing

I am a middle school teacher in Chicago, so unfortunately "thot" has been in my vocabulary for like 1.5 years now. It obviously stands for "that ho over there" and is basically a (in my opinion) even more derogatory way to refer to a girl/woman as a slut/ho/whore/etc. It's a versatile word that can be used as a noun

Right there with you. Current thought process: "what does 'thot' mean? God I'm old. Maybe someone else will ask in the comments. I guess I could just google it. Mehhhhhh do I really need to know?"

Roger Miller's story is why I always overtip for delivery. I get pizza so hot I can't even eat it yet, and the Indian place sends a free dessert every time. Mmmm mango mousse. I don't get why anyone would be shitty to the person who is saving me from having to cook and wash dishes.

Maybe the fact that it's been 40 years has something to do with her being more comfortable talking about it on the radio.