
I prefer the new Soft Kill to the new The Soft Moon, now that after a couple years confusion I know for 100% certain which is which when I talk about them. 

But only when The Today Show was in Minnesota, mind you. 

I got so excited when I heard his voice in the first trailer thinking “Oh yeah, Reg E. is in this, I didn’t know that!” then got real sad almost immediately thinking it’s probably his last role. The man was without a doubt one of my favorite character actors even if for awhile in my head he was “the guy from Airheads.”

That’s a killer Batman shirt. Anyone have any ideas where it’s from?

That’s a killer Batman shirt. Anyone have any ideas where it’s from?

I found myself thinking the same thing thanks to the binge structure. Granted I was kind of tired when I was watching them after work and after dinner but I completely missed whenever the reveal of Murphy Brown being Tobias’s child happened.

Its air schedule was so fucking loony.

I mean, she was in the “Kidney Now!” episode of 30 Rock so she’s worked with that crew before.

I think you might be right based on this clip.

Those two movies are awesome fun and I really wish someone would have started the ball rolling years earlier so it wasn’t limited to just the two.

And hey, they named Robin’s motorcycle Red Bird, which was nice even though I wish it was this.

I watched the half season in four episode blocks and this really is where it starts to pick up. The weird pacing and tying off of (some of the)leftover storylines comes to a head in this episode and the next three were noticeably more full of laughs.

I have to assume they will leave the archives up just for the clicks they’ll generate. There’s someone new starting up Breaking Bad or Mad Men every day that will want to google up episode reviews.

I non-jokingly shushed my cat when she meowed during the garage scene without even thinking about it. I’m not proud of it but I did it.

I haven’t had a chance to read them yet but Sepinwall and Vulture have interviews posted today:

What’s the schedule for these reviews?

Don’t you look at his Linus.