“here’s to what was once one of the finest websites around”
“here’s to what was once one of the finest websites around”
“Why is this show so good yet so few people talk about it?”
What a shock that Tatiana Tenreyro creates another twitter outrage clickbait post.
100% on board with more people remembering Better Off Ted existed and pushing Andrea Anders into more spots on my TV.
Seconding this until the end of time. Brubaker/Phillips is without a doubt my favorite comics duo of all time. They’ve never done anything I’d consider less than astounding together.
This is a few years old now but stumbling on this article last summer made me re-read everything they’ve ever done in binge mode it was…
Marky Ramone is going to stay alive until his wig manufacturer goes bankrupt!
replying to myself to see if that takes it out of the gray
Probably won’t see this because of Kinja fuckery but Discharge is extremely British, not American.
You should apply for a job here, they love nonsense in paragraph form.
Someone give this person a ghostwriting job!
I came into For All Mankind a bit late and watched them on my lunch breaks, which suuuuuuuuuucked because there was absolutely no way for me to stick around to immediately see what happened. Hell of a show, will actually purchase one month of Apple TV to watch the third season after it’s done airing.
Depends on when the last Cage interview here was.
Does that mean comments are un0Kinja’d now or did you make a new account?
Send some of that ungrayed magic my way, I got kinja’d after a dozen years a few weeks ago and don’t know how to fix it.
son of a bitch still grayed out.
Same on my end. I went in with low expectations and was totally blown away after kind of a slow start. I’m using borrowed Apple TV credentials right now but will definitely sign up for a month once season 3 has finished airing.
Crossing my fingers the blu-ray release doesn’t take too long to hit the market. I missed the screenings at the Music Box and my fiance canceled our Shudder subscription awhile back.
Checking to see if I’m still blocked out, but I fully agree with this. Checked the site this morning out of habit and this piece reminds me of why I started that habit in the first place. Great write up Leila, you’ve helped stave off the removal from the favorites bar for another week.
Holy fucking shit I’ve been grayed. After what, 13 solid years of commenting? Fuck off AV Club. Make one snippy comment on an author’s piece about a previous piece they’d written and you’re X’ed!