
$30 for the game, $100+ for the system. Deductive reasoning, etc etc etc. 

I would pay $10 for a throwback side scroller about one of my favorite movies. I will not pay $130 for the same thing on a small screen. 

So this is only on Nintendo DS or some bullshit like that? No Xbox download available? 

Ron "Officer" Karkovice.

Pepe Sylvia, I like the cut of your jib.

Dan Pasqua.

Dad rock.

Yeah, which is weird because he's been on record as calling him a "twat" as recently as this year.

But they've only gone on without singers and guitarists, NOT bass players!

Ever listen to The Estranged? It's basically The Wipers if Peter Hook were on bass. They should get the bassist from that band in for the two shows.  

He really doesn't seem as bitter as most news reports seem to believe he is.  Check this interview with Consequence of Sound - http://consequenceofsound.n…


I remember my dad letting me watch parts of "Backdraft" when I was five or six because our neighbor from across the street was a technical adviser on the movie and could be seen in a few shots (then somehow later managed to write a not very good book about working on the movie/with Robert De Niro/the movie). I have no

Hard Skin! I'd go see them again in a heartbeat but I don't think I'd ever listen to a record more than once if I bought one.

"I'm An Upstart" is a great song. Everything else, not so much.

Oi is probably my least favorite sub-genre of punk.  Too slow, boring and overall dumb for my tastes.

Oh come on, The Rye is a classic through and through!

Something about The New Rochelles stuff I've heard isn't clicking with me.  I feel like I should like it more than I do but I just don't.  It's not bad though and definitely better than most of the pop punk/Insubordination Fest scene I've heard the last few years.

The only thing I know from them is the song they had on the Decibel flexi, which I think was a Death cover anyway. I should check them out and start listing those flexis from bands I don't like on Ebay.  The Enslaved one only netted $4 but hey, that's $3.50 after fees that I didn't have before.