Any blonde stick being used as an inanimate prop will do.
Any blonde stick being used as an inanimate prop will do.
Yeah, you don’t have to be some kind of basic bitch to have at least a few things in common with basic bitches. If dressing your baby up like a pumpkin brings you joy, dress up that fucking baby! Why do we all have to be so anxious about fitting in one specific mold all the time?
I didn’t even see that list mention the character who was the friend of all the protagonists who was stuck in the form of a hawk(?) for at least several books, and still treated as part of the main cast, getting progressively more and more depressed while everybody else dated and went to middle school dances and shit.
Especially for new moms who buck the trend of being superfeminine flawless-lipstick latte-and-yoga-pants lifestyle magazine moms.
In fairness Billy Bush actually might be like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife.
We’ve already got Bush and Shrub... I think this creepy plasticine ken-doll is Topiary.
I actually felt the liquid surge up in the back of my throat when I saw that one. UGH. $50 says he’s got some kind of adult baby fetish.
Hopefully by the end of the election there’ll be no more AAAAAARRRGHHH
Damn PC culture SJWs ruining all men’s innocent fun!
The point is it doesn’t really matter if you’re careful or not. Nobody here is getting grabbed because they’re careless. It’s because life is an endless Russian Roulette game loaded with fucking creepy entitled manchildren with zero boundaries, and you just happen to be the one who’s only landed on empty chambers so…
So many of the #notallmen just don’t think it’s harassment when THEY do it. It’s a compliment!
Oh god, I don’t even bother to keep track of the crude shouting type of street harassment, and I’m ugly as sin. There’s a little frisson of relief if they don’t try to follow me, that’s it.
My own grandmother was shocked, and most of my examples were either really mild (dudes rubbing up on public transportation) or non-physical (strange man chases me into a grocery store looking REALLY ANGRY after apparently loitering outside waiting for me to come out for like 45 minutes).
Oh I know, I was making a tasteless joke. You are wonderful, carry on!
I especially like the detail of Kellyanne Conway being groped. A+ spot on.
I hope this isn’t posted like seven times because ~kinja~ but I just wanna share one of my favorite dad as a total asshole moments...
That’s the one! I couldn’t remember if it was Slate or Salon. But yeah. At one point she goes “I say this not to cast my father in a negative light...” and I was just... oh, honey :(
Yeah, my dad is dead, both granddads are dead, I am single, no brothers, and “owned” by no man. So I guess my pussy is up for grabs since there’s no human being (male, obvs, since women can’t be humans!!! DERR) who already has dibs. I can be raped and I should be grateful and marry the perp for proving I’m valuable in…
And don’t forget the extensive team of (almost assuredly all or mostly) men — sound guys, camera men, craft services, drivers, what-fucking-have-you — who stood by and let all this happen without sticking their little turkey necks out for the teensiest fraction of a second to go “uh, not cool bro.”
I genuinely did not — do not — think that America gives a flying fuck about women being grabbed by the pussy. I fail to grok how this is worse than literally ANY OTHER THING he has said on ANY OTHER DAY during his entire fucked shit-sundae of a campaign.