big stupid brain

I know it’s hacky to say that these industry award shows are ridiculous and out of touch, but the Grammys really take it to the level of farce. The nominating and voting procedures are so arbitrary and political and the voter base so broad and retrograde that you can have people like an opera singer who uses terms

I can confirm he wholeheartedly does blow, heck I have watched him blow this entire election.

imo Obama is more of a Galadriel

Yeah. She isn’t comedian funny, but I do think she has some moments where she has wry, sharp humor. If she can get it to land right she might be fine. Honestly, just standing up and pointing to Donald would be enough of a roast. “I could roast him, I need to?”

I love this too as a sort of rejoinder to Chelsea’s apologetics in saying she’d never hire a woman “just ‘cuz” she’s a woman. Bish plz. That’s such a white-dude thing to say. It’s not like it’s *ever* obvious who the “most qualified” person for a job is. It’s such a fallacy. It’s a way to excuse yourself for only

I actually met Jonah Peretti once at some tech thing. He asked me if I was waiting in line and I said no and he said thanks.

DuVernay interjects to share that she hired an all woman directorial team for her show Queen Sugar. She says that all of them are exceptional directors who were on the film circuit, but unable to break in to directing TV episodes, adding, “No one wanted to be the first person to give them a chance....At some point you

Guess you’ve got to make-up the financial shortfall somehow. I guess she must have run out of dictators so she had to start-up an athlesiure line to keep the cash a-comin’. Like you do.

Ah yes of course, an enormously privileged (since birth) white lady who’s succeeded at a series capitalistic endeavors must be inherently feminist and therefor of value or relevance to me personally as a person who is also a woman, regardless of anything else about her or her work. I always forget that somehow.

All White Women with a TV show are role models, you know the rules here

Or you can flip the fuck out. Or react however you want because it’s your feelings and your body.

Robin Wright had to fight for equal pay on House of Cards. She wanted what Kevin Spacey got. Besides playing Claire, she’s also an EP (like Spacey) and occasional director on the show.

LMAO, Chelsea Handler a feminist role model.

I remember seeing Conway a LOT on CNN before she became campaign manager and I have to be honest, she really really looks like she’s aged about 15 years in two months. This cannot be worth it, can it?

Or a reminder that the Trail of Tears under Jackson WAS declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. But he did it anyway. Because the Supreme Court has no power if it’s ignored.

I know this is incredibly petty, but I think it would only be poetic justice if Trump stiffed her like so many thousands of others he’s employed over the years. It would serve her right for her cynical opportunism.

Your weekly reminder that the WWII internment of Japanese-Americans (Executive Order 9066) was ruled Constitutional by the Supreme Court and the ruling has not been overturned, in case anyone has friends still pulling out the “checks and balances” and/or “the Constitution will stop him” arguments for how Trump would

... I guess I should feel offended, but I feel nothing but exhaustion and a hollow, dried up feeling. Like I’m a zombie just waiting until November 8th to cast my ballot and then shuffle on out of this detested earth.